At the end of the pictures, a slide came up with words written on it. 'Two more roses to go...'

There was then a tap on her back. Aurora turned around to see Lauren holding a rose up to her. "Hey, baby girl!"

"Here you go, Ari! You look so pretty!"

Aurora took the rose and hugged Lauren. "Thank you!"

If Lauren was there, then didn't that mean Caiden was too? Aurora looked around but there was still no sign of him. She walked to the edge of the room by the balcony to get a better view. Just as she was standing on her tiptoes to get a better look into the crowd, someone took her hand and pulled her back out into the balcony. She felt the cool air hit her before she even had time to think about what was going on.

When Aurora turned around she saw the face of the person she had been waiting for. "Caiden? What the hell?"

But Caiden didn't react. Instead, he stared at Aurora in awe and wonder. He was breath taken by how beautiful she looked. For a few moments he forgot what he was doing, he even forgot to answer her. Then he snapped out of his trance and saw that she was waiting for an answer. He cleared his throat and brought his hand, that was kept behind his back, forward and presented her with the last rose.

Aurora smiled and took it. She was trying not to blush at how lost for words she had made him. She had made him speechless. She. She had done that. Mentally she did a little victory dance, however physically she just smelt her bouquet of roses and tried not to look at how handsome Caiden looked in his suit. "So this whole rose ordeal was your doing?"

Caiden nodded. "Yup. I tried to get peonies but they were all out."

"That's okay. I love roses too."

"Good," Caiden said as he watched her look out into the busy streets of London.

"Where have you been? Why are you so late?"

"I had a few things to take care of. Why? Did you miss me?" And just like that, Caiden ruined a perfectly good moment. A smirk played on his lips and he looked way too pleased with himself.

Aurora rolled her eyes. "Puh-lease. I was just wondering when Lauren would get here." She really hoped Caiden wouldn't be able to see through her lies, how embarrassing that would be.

Caiden put a hand to his chest, right about where his heart would be. "Wow, you really hurt me there Ari."

"Good, you're ego could do with a little shrinking."

"Is that so?"

Aurora nodded. "Indeed it is."

"And you're lying could do with some sharpening. I can see right through you."

Busted. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Aurora replied trying to play it cool. Who was she kidding? Cool was not in her vocabulary.

Caiden didn't bother replying but laughed instead. After the laughter died down, his mood then turned serious which caused Aurora to become a little anxious. "So, I've been thinking about Cambridge..."

"You don't have to give me an answer yet."

"But I have one."

"Oh." She didn't know if that was a good thing or not. "Go on."

"I've always lived in London. Moving to Cambridge, that's a big change. I don't know how Lauren would take it. I mean our whole lives are here."

Secretly Aurora had really been looking forward to moving. She had always wanted to live there. It seemed to call to her. She and Clary had visited a few times and nowhere had felt like home more, other than maybe New York. Her dreams were getting crushed right before her but she tried her best not to show it. Instead, she nodded and pretended like it wasn't a big deal. "I understand."

"Plus what would people think if I moved in with my girlfriend? I don't see it as a problem but the media would definitely have a lot to say about it. I wouldn't want Lauren to get caught up in all of that."

Aurora nodded in agreement. She hadn't thought about that, it was a fair point.

Caiden watched her for a few seconds. He saw the disappointment in her eyes that was masked by understanding. He didn't want to let her down, but he also knew that he had made the right decision. "You're not okay with this are you?"

"No, it's fine. Like I said, if you decided to stay here then I'd stay too."

"But you really wanted to go."

"Of course I wanted to go but it wasn't something I was really looking forward to or anything," she lied.

"You're such a bad liar."

Aurora looked up he was smirking again. Why was he finding this so amusing? "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just that a few months ago I didn't want to be roommates and now you're asking me to get a house with you."

Aurora still didn't see what was so funny in that. Was he just being insensitive? Did he actually really not see how much she wanted to go to Cambridge? She gave him a fake smile before turning around to blink away her tears that were threatening to spill over.

When she turned back, she gasped. He was down on one knee looking up at her. Suddenly her whole world stopped. She had no idea what was going on, she didn't even know what day it was anymore. All she knew was that she was in that moment with Caiden and that was all that mattered.

He took her hand that wasn't holding the bouquet and smiled at her. "I don't want to go to Cambridge with my girlfriend but I'd love to go with my fiancé." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box. He opened it and displayed a gorgeous diamond ring. "So what do you say Aurora Claire Myer? Will you be my forever and always?"

Aurora's heart was doing somersaults in her chest. A smile so large was plastered on her face that her jaw was beginning to hurt. All she saw was Caiden. Caiden Calimero was proposing to her. She couldn't describe how she felt in that moment. There were no words that could describe it. He was asking to spend the rest of his life with her, how could you put that feeling into words?

Aurora nodded her head with the smile never leaving her face. "Yes!"

With that Caiden slipped the ring on her finger, got up and kissed her. She was his and he was hers. They were both bad at communicating their feelings to each other but the kiss said a thousand words. It said I love you and I'll always stand with you. They then smiled out of the kiss but they didn't let go of each other.

A round of applause and cheers sounded causing the newly engaged couple to look at the door where their friends had gathered. "You all knew?" Aurora asked.

"Who do you think helped Caiden to pick out that gorgeous ring?" Replied Maya.

Aurora finally let go of her fiancé and hugged Maya. "Thank you."

Maya chuckled. "Congratulations! I am invited to the wedding right?"

Aurora nodded and laughed. "How could I have a wedding without my maid of honour?"

Maya's face lit up. "Maid of honour?!! Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!"

"Of course Maya! And Freya you'll be head bridesmaid okay?"

Freya nodded. "Sure thing!"

"What about me?" Came Lauren's little voice from beside Aurora.

She picked up the little girl and smiled at her. "Well, I need do need a flower girl. What do you say? Will you do me the honour?"

Lauren nodded excitedly. "Yes!"

Caiden and Aurora laughed and hugged the little girl. A lot of pictures were taken and of course celebratory champagne was in order.

Aurora had never felt happier in her life. The couple received congratulations all night. All eyes were on them but they only had eyes for each other. They never left each other's side.

They never would.

I don't know about you guys but my hearts totally melted! I've been dying to write this chapter and I'm so happy with it! I hope you guys liked it to!

P.S, one more chapter to go :(


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