" But......." Naruto cried out.

" No buts, young man" Minato said.

" Fine...dad" Naruto replied meekly 

" I am going to wake his little ass up" I said

As I walk up the three flights of stairs to Menma's room I  mentally curse myself for giving him the highest room in the house

"Menma it's time to wake up my precious little baby" I say from outside of his door.

" Just a few more minutes mom" Menma  mumbles 

" UP!!NOW!!!" I yell

" Fine." He replies

I go stairs and start eating. Menma comes down and eats in silence, after he is finished eating he goes outside and Naruto follows him and begins to chase him around the yard

Outside In the yard of the Namikaze family home

Menma's POV

" Hey brother....what do you wanna do" Naruto asked

" Hmm...."I replied 


"Let's wrestle" 

He goes to opposite side of the yard, waited to the count of five and then began the match. When I pinned him to the ground he started to laugh.

" You're having to much fun"

It quickly escalated into a full out fight with either giving in

3rd person POV

Inside  thirty miles later 

When I walked with my brother with my broken lips and his broken nose

" What were you two doing' my parents demanded

" We were..." Naruto started to explain

"Shush..little Naru. Are you ok?

"I'm fine mommy" Naruto asides

" Menma what did you do to him" Kushina demanded 

" We were wrestling and.......then........" Menma said quick

" Then what?" Minato demanded

"It turned into a fight"

" Boys will be boys and boys always fight" Kushina explained 

"Boys this isn't right" Minato says

" I won't accept my boys fighting" Kushina said

Naruto instantly started crying and Menma shot out of the property.

Naruto POV

I was so sad I didn't know want to do, should I join my brother or stay here. All I could think of to do is to cry.

" Naruto....Calm down.....it's okay" my mother kept saying over and over trying to calm me down.

She pulled me closer to stop me from running after my brother. I just cried into her.

" I will go find Menma, darling" Minato said

" Okay. And.....Minato...please don't go overboard" she replied 

" Of course. He is my son, he has a right to stay a child.

Menma POV

I am on the river on the dock hiding in the bushes.

Why does this have to happen! My role model,my dad telling me what happened isn't right. I was shattered...how can I fix this?

" Menma! Menma!" I hear my dad yell

Damn it how did he know to come down here to the dock.

" Mema come out ....please little man. I'm not mad at you at all" my dad pleaded over and over again 

I peek my head out and he sees me.

" Come mere little man" My dad says as he opens his arms. I run into his open arms and then once inside of his arms I begin to cry.

"Menma...what's wrong my little man?" He asked me

" Didn't I let you down" I said through sobs

" What in the world, would give you that idea" he said 

" You said that what I did wasn't right" I replied through my sobs.

" That all doesn't mean that you let me down. It just means that you made a mistake and that's what kids do."

" Your not....disappointed in me at all" I asked 

" Nope...just sad because I don't want my two little boys to be fighting each other"

" Yay....I will try not to fight the loser" I promised 

" He isn't a loser like your not a brat" He scolded 

All I do is frown and glare into the space around him.

" Let's go home now" He said pressings his authority on the last word

" But....." I started 

Before I could say anything else he scoops me up into his arms and starts walking home.

" Hey! Why can't I walk?" I demanded 

" I don't think I can trust you not to run of" he explained 

All I do is pout and stare in face with the give-me-want-now-eyes

" Stop pouting, young man. My son won't pout." I don't stop pouting eventually I fall asleep as he is walking us home.

At Namikaze home

3 hours later  Minato POV

I was sitting on my rocking chair and Kushina walked in and sat on the sofa. 

" Hey dear, what are we going to do with them?" she asked

" What do you mean  by that darling." I replied 

" Let's see. You bumped up academy age to seven two years ago. So when are we going to begin training them in our techniques and styles?" She explained 

" I'm not quite sure yet....let me think it over some more." I replied 

" Let's not take too long thinking it over, my dear" she told me 

" I won't. See you in the morning darling." I said as I walked out of the door and upstairs.

I didn't here her reply. I checked on the boys and sat in my office thinking: I have to start this soon or this masked man will come back and wreck all that I have built. I will start there training once I believe they can deal with it.

But how will this affect the entire world if I start them this young, all I do is hope that they will go with their heart and guts, use their power to fulfill a dream. 

All I can do I hope..................................

Twin sons of Minato Namikaze: Heirs to the Namikaze and Uzumaki clansKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat