Chapter 1

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(Serena's P.O.V.)
It has been a month since I last saw Ash or Dark Ash now... I've been taking care of Pikachu all this time he's getting more and more depressed each day.

I was walking to Pallet town to see if I could find anyone since I'm stuck in Kanto. Pallet town is being rebuilt slowly but it's getting there so far they built a few houses and Professor Oaks lab.

As I walked into Pallet town the wind blew gently stirring the leaves. I looked up and saw big white fluffy clouds in the light blue sky. I walked over to the new lab and knocked on the wooden door.

A few minutes went by and Professor Oak opened the door. "Why hello Serena haven't seen you in awhile!" He smiled and opened the door wider for me to come in. I sat on one of the couches in the living room and Pikachu popped his head out from my bag and yawned. "Had a nice nap?" I asked, Pikachu nodded and jumped onto my lap. I scratched behind his right ear "Chaaa!!!" He squeaked

"Ashy-boy?" Someone called from another room. Then he walked out of the lab room and saw me he had spikey mahogany hair a grey shirt underneath a white lab coat and black baggy pants "Oh... Hey Serena" he said sitting down on the other couch across from me. "Hey" I replied "Why do you have Ash's Pikachu?" Gary asked "Well... I found Ash a month ago fighting team Rocket and we both got caught then we broke out of a cage, found are pokemon and found a stone PokeBall that Ash grabbed and there was a flash of white light..." I paused and took a deep breath and started to explain again "I woke up and the team Rocket leader was dead and Pikachu was hurt and Ash was nowhere to be seen so I took Pikachu to the Pokemon center and after a few hours there he was released and we went outside then the sky turned dark and the buildings started to fall then Pikachu saw a shadow in the sky heading to the forest..." I took another deep breath and started to explain once more "We followed it and found it and it was..." I paused "well... what was it?" Gary asked impatiently "it was...Ash" I told him.

He rubbed his chin thinking for a moment before speaking "Was there anything unusual?" He asked "yeah... He had red eyes his clothes were ripped and he had black smoke around him" I told Gary. "I heard that this happened before but not for so long..." He trailed off deep in thought. "Also I got a prophecy from Darkrai" Gary looked at me with his eyes wide open he motioned for me to continue. "The one he loves can destroy Darkness, But if fail Darkness will destroy all" I told him "I don't know what it means tho" I sighed "well obviously the darkness is Ash..." Gary said thinking.

"I think we need to get some help" Gary said standing up. "We?" I asked "yep! I'm going to help you out with solving this puzzle!" He exclaimed "but who will help us?" I asked standing up as well "you know! let's get the gang for one last adventure!" He shouted fist pumping the air. "Pika!" Pikachu did the same.

Darkness The Second Prophecy (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ