Getting Rid Of The Boyfriend

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You were too in shock, too enraged to cry and fully process what had happened. You suddenly stopped struggling and looked over at your father. You just stared at the man who you had loved, the first man you loved, the man that had protected you against everything and always made you feel better. You couldn’t fathom how he, out of everyone in the world, could be the one to hurt you this badly. 

The Joker noticed you out of the corner of his eye staring at him, in his twisted jealous rage and pride he was sure you were staring at him in adoration. For what he thought was saving you from that boy like a knight in shining armor and taking you back to the castle like the princess you were. He became neurotic with a sense of victory that he had you back and could take you home to Harley so the clown family could live in harmony again, just the three of you belonging to each other. 

When you realized that his perception of what was going on was even more warped than you had imagined you lost it. Your vision blurred and you just started thrashing around in the passenger seat and beating your father as hard as you could with your hands and grabbing the steering wheel. The Joker was taken by surprise, he had never seen his daughter so upset before and his chest was starting to ache as he steadied the wheel of the car and tried to subdue you from hitting him. The two of you finally pulled up to the house and he parked before turning to you and trying to grab your face.

“Princess please listen to me, it was for the best! I had to do it! He would have put you in more danger than you know he didn’t deserve you!” the Joker tried desperately to get the words out easy as a thousand thoughts swirled through his mind. “He couldn’t have protected you like I can! Love you like I can! Please princess.” You kept thrashing around trying to get out of your fathers grip. More tears started to fall except this time they were form pure sadness instead of anger. When Joker saw the tension in his chest and shoulders got tighter. “Please princess it’s me! It’s me you love me remember?” 

“I hate you!” you screamed at him before suddenly stopping and staring at him, it was like you lost complete control of your body. The two of you sat in silence and the blank expression on your fathers face plagued you. You meant what you said and you didn’t. You hated him for what he had done but at the same time, that same little part of you, couldn’t believe the words that had come out of your mouth. You decided that you weren’t going to let him win. You were going to punish him for what he had done. You shot out of the car and ran into the house and locked yourself in your room. The Joker sat in the car for a few more minutes, his entire body felt like it was going to collapse. He grabbed the skin over his heart thinking it was going to explode out of his body. 

“I just got my little girl back” he whispered alone in the car “I just got her back from him” he dug his fingernails into the skin on his chest deeper and deeper “I can’t lose her again.” The joker’s jealousy and pride and maliciousness all seemed to seep out of his body in that moment. He had been through it all he thought, felt all he was capable of feeling he thought, but this was a sensation like no other. This is was heartbreak was like.

He jolted out of the car and ran in the house after you, he channeled everything he was feeling into winning you back, if he didn’t he would lose what little of his sane mind he had left. He rushed to the door knob to turn it and come into your room but he felt it locked. It was like a final blow to him and he sank to his knees outside of your door.

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