First day

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Writers note: Thanks so much for reading my book, it's my first one and I'm going to try my best at writing, so tell me what you think in the comments
Side note: Her outfit^

I wake up to my alarm going off. I roll over and fall off the bed 'thump' I land straight on my face. Well what a great start to my day, I say in my head. I hear a knock on my door "come in". "Morning sleepy head" as she walks in and takes a seat on the end of my bed. "Are you excited for your first day?", I groan " look it should be fun make some new friends I'm sure you'll fit in well". As she says this she starts walking to the door. "At least give it ago and stop being so stressed and up tight all the time" as she says that she shuts the door.

I get up off the floor and have a quick shower. I then curl my hair and but a black mat skirt that comes above my knees and a grey tight top with a maroon coloured scarf around my neck as it's cold outside. I put my high top black socks on and some cute black boots. I quickly have some breakfast and grab an apple as I run out the door with my keys in one hand and my little black purse in the other. I hop into my car and drive to school which is only 10 mins away (you may ask why I don't just walk, will it's because I'm lazy deal with it). I'm running 5 minutes late so I speed down the streets hopping to get to school on time before the bell rings. I park my car ages away from the school gates as all the other car parks were taken. I run as fast as I can in heels making a mental note to get up earlier so I didn't have to run/walk so far. I walk though the school doors with 5 minutes to spear.

I make my way to the office and get my timetable. I find my locker, down a busy corridor.I grab my books out of my bag and place them in my locker only carrying a few with me in my hands and I head off to class hoping that I'm heading in the right direction. I look down at my phone quickly, to check the time until I collide with something hard. I collapse onto the floor my books spread out all over the place. "Hey watch where you going, God can't you see there's someone walking here" I get up and brush myself off and look up to the person I have just walked into. He had bright blue eyes and shot brown hair he was wearing tight black jeans with a white light top on. You could see his muscles underneath, which I could see he worked out a lot. Standing behind him where three other boys. One had big brown eyes with light brown hair, who was wearing a checkered shirt with jeans. The other one standing beside him had blond hair and small bright blue eyes, with a blue button down top. The one behind them seemed a bit shy but he also had bright blue eyes and brown hair. He looked similar to the boy that walked into me. " well, well, well who do we have here, I haven't seen you around here before" he looks me up and down as if I was just some rag doll. " next time look where your going" I say as I pick up my books and head to class.

I walk though the classroom door and I'm instantly hit with everyone looking at me and people started to whisper as they saw me. "Your late" says this fat guy sitting at the front, I'm guessing he's the teacher. " umm.. yea I'm sorry I'm new here and I run into this guy and I dropped all my books" I say as every one keeps looking at me. " oh so you must be Skyla waters" he says as if he was board now and wanted to keep teaching the lesson I had just walked in on. I give him a nod. " you have a detention after school, for being late, this is not a good start to your week, miss waters. Now take a seat and I'll have to restart the lesson". I take the only available seat left which is next to this, girl that has long blond hair and blue eyes. "Hi I'm charlotte, don't worry he's really strict no ones likes him".
"um thanks, I'm Skyla I'm new here today's my first day". We talked though the whole lesson. Charlotte is really funny and has a great sense of humour. We swapped time tables and realised that where in most of the same classes except science and history.

The rest of the morning went by in a blur and around came lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria and saw Charlotte waving for me to come over and sit with her. I walked over and sat next to her. "Hey let me introduce you. This is Lilly, Jess, kiley, Hayden and Daniel". "Hi I'm Skyla, it's nice to meet you all". They all smiled at me and said hello and we carried on talking. Lilly has long black hair that touches the bottom of her back. She has dark eye liner on and was dressed in black. Jess was completely different, she has strawberry blond hair that goes just below her shoulders and wears glasses. She was a bright flowery dress on. Kiley looks different from the others and has light grey hair that had blond highlights in. She had a crop top on with blue jeans. Hayden and Daniel both have blue eyes but Hayden had blond hair and Daniel has dark brown.

After finishing lunch we all get up and go our separate ways but me and charlotte both have maths so we head off to class.

After class I say good bye to Charlotte and go to where I'm meant to have my detention, I walk in and notice a teacher sleeping, well isn't he a useful teacher, I rolled my eyes. I walk over to his desk and grab a sheet which I think your meant to fill out. Not taking much notice of the other people in the room I head over to a window in the corner of the room and take a seat. I sit down and take a look at the sheet I have to fill out. As I'm concentrating on my sheet I feel a wet sticky thing hit the back of my head. "Bulls eyed" i hear someone yell behind me. I turn around and who do I see well if it wasn't...

Thanks to everyone who's reading my book, please comment and tell my what you think. I didn't think I did to bad on my first chapter keep an eye out for the next chapter. Next chapter will be longer I promise.
Clover xx

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