The Bad Boy's Girl

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I just Love this book to bits TOOOOO MUCH!

“Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you’d follow them straight into hell, just to keep getting your fix.” — Karen Marie Moning, Shadowfever

Hi,my name is Tessa O'Connell and I know a boy who:

-Frustrates me to no end

-Argues with me all the time

-Likes going through my underwear drawer

-Steals my (supposedly cleverly hidden) stash of Kit Kats

-Calls me shortcake even though I'm 5'7

-Makes me cry like a baby

-Has an unhealthy obsession with my personal life BUT he also happens to be my guardian angel and somehow I've started to (almost) like him...SHOCKER!

I just love this book I LOVE IT LIKE HELL AND IF YOU READ IT THEN YOU WILL SURE AS HELL LOVE IT but not as much as me

Because this is one of my ALLLL time favorites ALL TIME

Whenever this book gets updated i'm always so excited & i shout YAAAY! & my sister asks me "Why are you screaming YAAY" So i'm like 'the bad boys girl' Updated' & shes looking at me like i've totally lost it.

But that is how much i absolutely ADORE & LOVE this book. I'm love it that i've resd it 4 times

The SEXY! bits are so cute too

I just love Cole! 

This author sure knows h0w to write. YOU ARE FAB! @jessgirl


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