"What the hell?" Sara mumbled as Ned turned his back to her.  In a baby carrier, Noah continued his growling.  "Aren't you supposed to wear that the other way?" she asked.

Ned turned back to face her again, and the grin on his face widened.  "I would flip it around if he'd stop trying to kick me in the you know what." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Sara couldn't help but laugh.

"Wouldn't want him to damage the goods."

He nodded along with her words, but by the serious glint in his eyes, she knew his next words weren't all joke.  "If Ally has me next on her list of happily ever afters, I have to make sure everything stays in working order."

She shook her head with smile on her face.  "What, you can't find a girl on your own?"

"With this face?" he asked, and something suspiciously like a snort came from the carrier on his back.  Ned growled, and when an answering growl echoed through the hall, Ned chuckled.  "God, I love this kid."

"Is that why you keep kidnapping him?" An amused Ally said as she walked down the hall toward them.

Ned took a step back, and Sara followed, quietly shutting the door behind her as she stepped into the hall.  "I'd be worried if I were you," she joked.  "I've never seen Ned so attached to anyone besides his mom."

"Ah," Ally mumbled in understanding as she got closer.  "That explains their unique connection."

The glare on Ned's face didn't fool anyone as he turned his back and allowed Ally to pull Noah out of the carrier.  "Or maybe," Ned started, "I'm the only one who'll deal with the brat."

Noah hissed at Ned before snuggling in Ally's arms.  The boy's little hands gripped her tightly as he rubbed his face against her shoulder.  Ally rolled her eyes, but the love on her face was clear.  "Now, if I could keep Zeke from popping in and trying to take Jesse away, then keep Tony from trying to convince everyone in town that he's Zoë's very single father, we'll be good."

"They're lucky," Sara whispered.

Ally stared down at Noah with a gentle smile.  Running the tip of her finger down her son's nose, she nodded.  "Not everyone can be, but I'll do anything to make sure that they're always one of the lucky ones."

"And that's why they're lucky," Ned said with a smile on his face.

Ally smiled back before turning her attention onto Sara.  Her smile turned slightly wicked, and Sara had to force herself not to take a step back.  "Namir said you wanted to train with me?" Ally asked.  When Sara said nothing, she nodded.  "After I put Noah down for a nap with his sisters, I'll meet you in the training room."  Looking back towards Ned, she motioned down the hall with her head.  "Show her around until then. I'll call when I'm ready."

They both knew that Ally didn't mean she'd be using a phone, and as the Leopard Queen disappeared down the hall, a small laugh left Sara.

Ned bumped shoulders with her.  "What's so funny?  Thinking about how quickly she's going to kick your ass later?"

She shook her head.  "I'm imagining her trying to work a cell phone."

A large grin pulled up the corner of Ned's mouth.  "Did you know she's the one who did a lot of the work for Adam's house?"  Sara glanced over at him sharply, raising her eyebrows in silent question.  "It makes you wonder what kind of hell they put her through as a kid," he continued before shaking his head.  Reaching up, he eased the straps of the baby carrier off his back before his easy grin slipped back over his face.  "Come on, I'll introduce you to a couple people you don't know.'

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