Chapter 2: Settling down

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I've been biting my nails ever since I have met up with Takuto.

"Hey, Takuto..."

"What is it, Rea-san?"

"What will happen to me if I regain consciousness in the earth?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. My background story and my rate of survival..." I poked my fingers.

"If it is about that, then you don't need to worry. If you wake up, you will be in a house. I'm sure you will know what to do next. For the rest of that, you are responsible for that." A flash of amusement dance in his eyes before disappearing. Though I wonder if it was only me because I just recently come to the anime world. And even there, emotions in the eyes are a hard thing to decipher. Maybe because they are the ol' same black little dark eyes that my poor eyesight can't even differ.

"You tell me to not worry but you still said that I am responsible after that?!! Pick one of them dammit!!"I messed my hair due to frustration but with a slight fondness.

" I don't have any means of helping you. Maybe someday when we meet each other again then that's where I can help you."

"Oh. So that's that then." As soon as I finished my sentence I regain a serious demeanor to gather his attention. "So, no one can support me huh?"

"...." He silently nod at my acclamation. Though that silence was cutted when he suddenly spoke up. "You know that the exchange for your trip will be unknown. I can't demand you to give information of our future as it will obstruct the very future you know."

I nodded. "The future will hold hope but it's path is full of trials and temptations especially to the chosen ones. My very existence may led them to destruction but I will not let it." I look at him full of determination. "I will do my best to protect them. Because they will be the very reason for my very existence. And maybe someday... Someday I can call them my important ones. So that I will not live for obligation but for my own insistence."

Takuto smiled. "Then I have nothing more to say. May the Cray be with you." A sort of light was coming from my body. I look at my hands to see them dissolving to thin air like fireflies. This will be our last in a long time meeting so I better drop my words of awesomeness.

"Till then, better improve your height, Chibi-Taku!!!" And before I heard him say my name or better worse curse me I was blinded by a big ball of shining light and after that darkness surrounded me.

And that guys was how to faint.

I realized that Takuto is a little fudging liar.

I woke up and I found out that I am in a house. Oh. A house with a comfortable roof and the white wall full of shining golden stars and the wooden floors is littered with toys. I look at my hands to find it so small and chubby. Like a.... "Buuabbeeaa??"

I smack my cheeks immediately. Although I regretted it because it is so painful.

"Mmm..." This is bad..!! "uuaa..." I can't control my emotions!! I will cry.. Help me..!!! "UUUAAAHHH!!!!" Mama, Papa!!!

I sobbed uncontrollably. I kept wailing. But when I have seen their faces, I have cried more. I thought I will never see them again. Takuto said that he can't bring my family in this dimension. Only me. "Rea!!! Oh, Rea my dear, are you alright?? Why are you crying??" My mother consoled me.

I have begun to have little control of my emotion. I tried with all my might to force my tears inside. When I calmed down,mother and father are rather relieved.

"Thank God, nothing happened to you..!!" My mother cradled me in her cozy arms. I realized that below their eyes are dark eye bugs. They are so tired, yet they have come to get me to calm down. I want to make them happy.I reached my arms towards them. I want to say it. I want to protect them!

"Mm...." My face contorted to frown. "Mmaammm" I tried and I tried until I succeeded. "Mmaama!" Not completely correct but ehh who said it is not fine for a baby?

My mother who is staring at me with amusement suddenly have grown sparkles. "Yes!! Her first word is mama!! Meaning me!! I won the bet!!" My mother jumped while I was still in her arms. My father who suddenly developed gloom lines snatched me in mother's arms when he realized that I started to get groggy when she jumped up and down. "My love, please be careful. Rea is still a baby!" He rocked me left and right. "Can you please see John, while I take care of her?" He questioned.

Mother who is high up in there somewhere in the clouds nodded cheerfully and proceeded to exit the room.

Grateful at his help, I tried to do the same and it suddenly became much easier with mom as the practice word.

"Papa!" I cheered.

Father, who is busy rocking me stared at me with disbelief. Although I love mother, I am a Papa's girl through and through.

He lifted me to see my face closer. "So this means that you used your mother's word as a practice?" I nodded happily as I repeated the word.

"Then your mom owe me. I won the bet after all." He smirked jokingly.

"Bet,bet,bet!!" I chanted cheerily.

It is about three years ago. I was about eight months old when I first came to this world. And I can say that I adjusted quite fast at this child-like appearance. Mom is pregnant back then and six months later, my little brother came to life. Oh, I forgot. I still live in the Philippines. Nahh, the true action comes when Aichi is at fourteen years old. But wait. I don't know the year of it so...

'I can't believe that I don't know when the action starts!!"

I open my little notebook and with my chubby hands holding the pencil clumsily, I  listed the parts where I know when the action, the encounters, the problems and so on and so forth. By the time I finished I realized that it is dinner already so I have exited our room to the diner room. Our house is small. No second floors and the bedroom is connected to our parents. That is the only seated part of our house. Though it is quite small because it is our temporary residence. Our family is rich in here while in ours is moderately rich. It is summer this time so it is quite a bit too little for me.

In the table, where our family is already seated, I made my way to my seat. I was the only one left. We began eating when my mother said something that caught my interest or maybe not so.

"JAPAN!!??" The three of us shouted though I think that I am the most loud of all.

Father coughed. "Please watch your voices. Were in the dining table." All of us calmed down when Roel, my little brother spoke up.

"What is Japan?" He squeamishly questioned.

"Japan is a place far far away from here, Roel." Mom answered.

"So we can go dwere? So.. Syoo Coorr!" He said star strucked.

"Yeah, yeah mom!!where can we go there? I'm super excited!!" Brother John merrily asked.

It was father who answered me. "Next week, my children."

"I can't wait!! Manga, figure actions, anime, Sakura trees,cards, sushi, tempura..." I listed off. Sometimes drooling from the mentioned of the food.

"It will be a celebration because Roel will be entering kindergarten this year. All of you have started schooling! Your mom and I are proud of you so we decided to get this vacation!!" Father said.

Mom smiled gently as she looked at the chatting kids. "It seems that they are not listening to you dear."

"You're right, my love." He looked at the noisy children in front of him before looking at his wife. "It's gonna be a fun trip."

Oh how wrong that statement is.

"Mom, dad, watch out!!" The screeching noise of the car made me deaf. The car suddenly breaks out in a fast run. No brakes can save our lives. Mom covered me while dad covered the both of us. The last thing that happened was that mother shoved a bag in my hands then whispering her last words to me before the car plunged into the water.


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