"Yeah and what the fuck happens to me when he decides to show up and your memories come back and you realize these feeling you have for me are the feeling the 16 year old you had for me. While y'all go live happily fucking after. What the fuck happens to me?!"

"It won't happen?!"

"You don't know that?!"

"God damn it Liam! Why are you making this difficult?!" I close my eyes shaking my head.

"I'm not. I'm being realistic." I say calming myself down.


"Let's just get you inside." I say getting out of the car. I get his wheelchair out and open his door.

"You know once I can walk again. There's your fucking reason to leave!"

"If that's what you want! Fine by me!" I start yelling again.

"Your a fucking idiot!"

"Don't I know it! Who else is dumb enough to stick by someone's bed taking care of them for over a year knowing they are going to be dumped in the end!"

"Then fucking stop taking care of me and leave since I seem to be such a burden to you!"

"Did you ever once say you were a burden to me?! No not once. Ever. You dumb ass! Now shut the fuck up!" I pick him up putting him in the chair. Both of us fuming mad.

"Idiot." he mutters as in pushing him inside.





"Mother fucker."


"Geez boys what's with the name calling?" Sue ask as I make it to the check in desk.

"He's being a pain in the ass." Beau grunts.

"He's being a dumb ass." actually this is kinda comical if you ask me. I don't think we ever fought like this. It's kinda fun. I lean over putting my lips to his ear. "Oh I'm fixing to be a huge pain in your ass." I whisper. He huffs folding his arms across his chest. I stand up straight chuckling.

"I don't think so. You can't even say those words."

"I can say them just chose not to."

"Stupid ass."

"I'll be the first to admit it. There's no use in denying how stupid I am."

"Come on guys. Kiss and make up."

"He fucking won't do that either." he groans.

"Come on then let's go see the results." we follow behind silently. We puts us in a room and leaves. We sit in silence until Martin gets in.

"How are you Beau?"

"Better if I knew why my legs won't work and if Liam would stop being an idiot."

"We'll I can some what help with one. The other not so much." he chuckles.

"Let me have it."


"Time what's that suppose to mean?"

"It means you just need more time. There isn't anything on the MRIs. No scaring, nothing. Beau it's just going to be a while longer on your legs. Stop rushing it. You just might land up causing damage. Sue tells me how hard you work. Cut it down to two hours a day. Once with Sue, once with Liam. That's it. Time Beau just give it time." Beau nods sighing.

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