"Hello (L/n)-san..." Fubuki's gentle yet a little concerned voice spoke as he came in with his partner to fetch you. "I'm sorry if we were the ones to help you...Especially that I'm with Gouenji-kun... I tell you this he didn't mean any of his actions earlier, he surely means no harm for you (L/n)-san..." Fubuki spoke softly as he went inside the clinic's room further while the flame striker silently followed behind him.

"G-Go..away..." Your visible eye widened as you stared at them with a trembling body. "P-Please go..." You spoke as you tried backing away from them. You don't want any further injuries, you don't want any more insults especially if it's from the soccer members. The past still haunts you and surely you wouldn't want that to happen again.

"(L-L/n)-san..Calm down..." Fubuki walked slowly to your position, arms wide open. "It's alright, (L/n)-san...We won't do anything that would bring you pain...We're your friends...We promise, we won't harm you..." As the ice striker spoke, he gently embraced you. You can't help but feel entirely helpless. You could feel tears forming on the corner of your eyes, even though you tried not to cry, the stubbornness of your tears got the best of you. Slowly, tears began to slide down your smooth cheeks and was followed by your arms, wrapping around themselves around Fubuki's body, hugging him back."(L-L/n)-san?..." Fubuki was a bit startled of your sudden action, but quickly brushed it off and let you hug him. "There, there...It's okay..." Fubuki hushed you with kind words.

While that moment happened, someone was silently watching the moment. Sure, his face may display a calm one, but inside oh his inner blaze is burning his heart out, burning with inner jealousy from his best friend. 'How lucky of you...Fubuki...' Gouenji thought but another thought flashed through his mind.... '(L/n) can never be ours...No matter how you look at it...(L/n) is either Kidou's or Fudou's...No no..We should at least try..' Gouenji thought with determination. He shouldn't give up that easily now, right? He's a smart guy, he'll get through with it...hopefully...Okay, back to the two...

"(L/n)-san...." Fubuki gently called your name, making you part away from the hug and look at him.

"Wh-What..is it...?" You replied with little sniffles, your visible (e/c) eye showed sadness and little relief, that none from the two harmed you.

"Hmm...(L/n)-san...What made you scared of us..? Did something happen?" The ice striker asked softly as he gently stroked your (h/c) hair.

"....I-I..was scared..." You answered in a low tone. "I-I was scared you guys...m-might be disgusted...of me..." You added as more tears welled up. Remembering the past, when you were a little girl, many people loathed you just because you had hetero-chromatic eyes. It was very devastating and as you grew older you were more self-aware of your surroundings and realized that they were the monsters, not you. You didn't do anything wrong and you know it.

"Hmm? Disgusted? My! Why would we? You're a gem! A rare gem! You are very beautiful (L/n)-san! You must know that...Not only are your looks so dazzling but your personality too!" Fubuki complimented and suddenly brushed the bangs that covered your hidden (2nd e/c) eye. (You were actually shocked of his bold move) "If you're telling us that we are disgusted by you having dual eye color...No! I'm afraid that you're wrong, (L/n)-san...In any case, it adds more beauty to you." Fubuki gave you a reassuring smile as he cupped your cheek. "We admire you (L/n)-san...We really do..I'd be lying if I told you I hate you..." Fubuki grinned. "So cheer up, (L/n)-san...We don't hate you.." The greynette stroked your hair one more time before letting your bangs go to its original place. "But...if you insist on hiding it, we won't stop you for it...Just please...don't think that we hate you, we like you, (L/n)-san..."

You were left speechless over Fubuki's little speech. Not only was he brave enough to point out what made you think that they'll mock you, he also told you they were okay with it! Relief washed over you...You can finally be happy...right? You don't have to worry that they'll tease or even loathe you for it. I guess not all people were monsters. "....Th..Thank you.." Were the only words that left your mouth. You never felt so happy in your life, to think that a stranger would be able to pull this off. Well, you shouldn't call him a stranger, now...He's a friend now. A good friend.

After your silent celebration, you heard a fake cough echo inside the quiet clinic room. Turning to whom it came from, you met the eyes of the platinum blonde boy who was actually watching the two of you. "Fubuki, we need to go now. They are probably starting without us." The boy told his best friend with a nonchalant tone. He seemed quite hurt as you could see the way he furrowed his brows and the way he frowned his lips. Suddenly, you remembered what you have done just earlier before all of this. You probably hurt his emotions when he only meant no harm to you. He was just trying to comfort you, but what he got was something that both parties didn't like.

"Ah yes! I almost forgot~" Fubuki chimed. "Gouenji-kun, mind carrying (L/n)-san for me? Obviously I don't find myself fitting on carrying anyone...I'll just carry (L/n)-san's bag for her...Ehe~" Fubuki scratched his cheek as he got himself down from the bed and leaned down to get your bag and hunched it over his shoulder.

After a moment of silence, Gouenji muttered a low "Sure.." Slowly yet reluctantly, the flame striker walked towards you and stood there in front of you. You don't know what to say or what to do, you just sat there with your face looking up to him and having little dried up tears on your cheeks. The room was silent, you could only hear your little sniffles and your breathing as if the duo isn't here at all.

Fubuki tried to break the silence by calling out to his best friend, "Uhh...G-Gouenji-ku--" but was cut off by Gouenji's sudden apology.

"I'm sorry..." Goddamn finally the striker decided to speak. "I'm sorry for startling you earlier, (L/n)...I didn't mean to...I just intented to comfort you as much as I could. And...obviously...I never expected you having two eye colors instead of one...despite the fact that this is an anime...but still...I really apologize for my actions earlier. Please forgive me." Gouenji's words were stern and were honest as much as possible. He even bowed to infront of you, and even continued to lower his head down and awaited for your response.

"...Gouenji-kun..." You looked at him with slight pain. Surely, you should forgive him after all, he didn't mean any of it. "...A-As long as none of you...reveal it to any of the students here. I trust the team enough since I know that they'll know about my secret from you guys. Then...I shall forgive you." You cleared your throat and added, "A-And I'm sorry too! I..I just don't like to recall of my past..."

A moment after your response, the flame striker rose his head with a small smile. "Then we would like to know you better...after all..School has just begun..." The man smiled as he held a hand to you, silently asking you to hold it. "So, will you be with us for the rest of the year?"

The question seemed odd yet cool for your liking. It sent you a wave of relief and happiness that someone finally accepted you, you just hope the others too. You looked at him with utter joy and held his hand.

"Yes...So please..take care of me!"




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