Chop Fic 2

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After the meteor, there were no survivors.

At least, none that were seen.

Two years after the meteor struck, all was silent. The mountains of rubble that used to be every structure on Earth had long since settled, and resilient plant life was all that remained, speckling the desolate landscape with green. From the rubble, a figure rises. A slender tail, gently caressed by a ball of fire. A supple, orange body. A pair of large, ocean green eyes.


As Charmander rose from the debris, she blinked in confusion. What happened here? The last thing she remembered was a familiar face, a pair of chopsticks and a meteor. With a start, Charmander began frantically pulling wooden beams and shattered glass aside, frantically pawing at the mess of mangled masonry and plaster. She did not know much, but she knew that she had to find them. She had to find Marill.

After what seemed like hours, the sun began to sullenly sink into the horizon. Charmander, through a veil of tears, was still fumbling through the remains of the school that she used to attend. Her movements slowed, and the flames on the end of her tail faded to a slow simmer. She was giving up.

Charmander pushed away a final window frame, and fell to her side. Her hopes of finding her one true love were becoming thin. As she closed her heavy eyes, a flash of blue caught her eye. Without hesitation, Charmander jumped up from her position and ran towards the blue orb lying on the floor. She took the sphere in her claws, and felt the familiar tingle of love and lust. She pulled. And pulled. It seemed that the object was stuck, lodged in the rubble like Marill was lodged in Charmander's heart; constant and unrelenting.

But she did not give up. With every ounce of strength in her body, Charmander tugged at the blue sphere, a burning passion she had felt only once before erupted within her. For the longest time, she was hunched over the ball, before finally, she felt something give. With a load groan of protest from the mounds of debris, the body was dislodged from the ground, launching itself at Charmander's feet.

It was Marill.

The fire on Charmander's tail glowed with an unusual brightness as she stared down at the one she once loved, the one she thought she lost, and she smiled.

The smile did not last long. Charmander assessed the body of her loved one, and let out a gasp. Extending from Marill's trachea was the rough edge of a piece of broken glass. Their entire neck and chest was red with blood, and Charmander could hear no signs of breathing. Hastily, Charmander pressed her tentative paws to Marill's chest, and began pumping. One. Two. Three. Four.






No signs of waking up.

No signs of life.

Charmander was unwilling to give up. In a burst of determination, she thumped Marill's chest with all her might, salty tears sliding easily down her face. As she fought, she began to remember all the times that she shared with Marill. Meeting at school every day, joking and laughing about butts, meeting eyes over a crowded classroom, finally locking lips over a Tupperware container of Chow Mein. Fisting. Every beautiful memory, glistening in Charmander's eyes as the tears began to fall heavily. She refused to give up; she refused to let Marill go.

One last heavy sigh rocked through Charmander's body as she laid a final push onto Marill's chest. Charmander knew that it was too late, and as the moon began to rise in the sky, she lost her final ounce of hope. She fell to Marill's side, and held their cold, drained body as she sobbed. Charmander lay there for what seemed like an eternity, refusing to leave the lifeless body of her true love. She smiled up at Marill, longing for them to smile back, never accepting the futility until, at long last, Charmander fell into a deep, fitful sleep.

Marill opened their heavy eyes, and glanced at the sleeping figure next to them. They knew that they didn't have long for this world; every labouring breath brought them closer to the end, but they were happy. They noticed Charmander's tear-stained cheeks, and fiery tail, and wished for one last day with her, one last chance to say goodbye.

As Marill closed her eyes forever, a single star appeared in the sky. It glowed brighter than the rest, and lingered past any other; always watching over Charmander. Always fisting.

Author's Note: I didn't cry while writing this or anything.

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