caught in a liiiiieeeee

23 2 3

I pray to senpai everydax
And I apologize to him for making grammar mistakes
My dad comes in the room and hears me worshipping senpai
He calls me a faggot and leaves
Tears start running down my face as I see the one and only, truly senpai himself standing beside me
He takes my hand and I feel my kokoro beating as fast as a Taiko drum (not mine bc I'm a noob)
"Would you mind being my loli, kohai?" he says
I have been waiting for this moment ever since I found out about his great finger skills (literally)(even though it was yesterday)
I gladly accept his offer
He lays me on my Jagodica Bobica bed sheet and sends me a kiss and a heart
He magically flies out through the window with the power of his lord, Cookiezi
And I say,
"Yaong is love, Yaong is life."

Crow Titteh (sad gejming story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя