Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!

Start from the beginning

I don't know why my eyes were stinging with that stupid feeling of tears, maybe it's because this whole Lydia thing is hitting me harder than I would like to admit, but for some stupid reason I just wanted to cry. I wanted to lock myself in my room and sob until I didn't feel this shitty inside anymore. 

"No, mom, he wouldn't have wanted you to be sleeping with my Chemistry teacher!" I snapped bitterly, pushing myself off of the stool, the legs scraping against the wooden floor. 

Her eyes were wide and her cheeks were a bright red, "Kennedy Jane Martin! How dare you-- what the hell has gotten into you?!" She gasped, the bacon was burning and I laughed at the symbolism in this entire situation. 

"I'm going to get dressed and then I'm leaving. You may want to turn off the burner." I muttered before storming out of the kitchen. I have no idea what the hell has gotten into me, I normally wouldn't speak to my mom like that. I just need to calm down, dress shopping should help. 

As I browsed through the plethora of dresses in Macy's, I couldn't get the altercation with my mother out of my head. It was really starting to cause some actual pain in my brain, and I have already taken four Advil because of it. Why would she even dare say that my father would be okay with her banging my Chemistry teacher? She's a sociopath, I swear. Has she been leading a double life or something for the past eight years, because every time I've seen her she has been working non-stop, how has she even had time to date?

"Hi! Welcome to Macy's, are you finding everything okay?" A bubbly sales associate appeared out of nowhere, I glanced at her uncertainly as I pulled my hand away from the purple dress I had been looking at. 

Her name-tag red Madigan and she seemed happy enough to be working at the Clothing Department of Macy's. Her dark brown hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, and surprisingly she was about an inch or two shorter than me-- that never happens! 

"Not really, no." I laughed despite my gloomy mood. I need to find a damn dress before all of the good ones are gone. This is usually an activity that Lydia and I do together, but I guess she just had to ruin that too. 

Madigan glanced at the purple dress in distaste, "I don't really think that would look good on you. Some of the things they sell here are awful."

I chuckled at her blunt response as she sifted through the rack behind me, the one full of white and cream dresses. I assumed she was trying to help me pick one out, but I couldn't be for certain. My eyes then landed on the fragrance counter and I felt a pang of nostalgia.

The time when Stiles and I came here together had been so much fun. I talked the entire time while he just listened, but he actually listened. And he smiled and he laughed and he offered to carry my clothes for me. He was entirely too sweet, and I honestly don't know why I had waited this long to grow the ball to actually speak to him. Stiles is probably the most genuine person I have ever met in my entire life and I really wish that I could have known him for the past eight years. My life would be entirely different, I would actually more than likely be happy.

"I really like this one!" Madigan chirped as she pulled a white dress off the rack. The skirt was layered and would end at mid-thigh. The top was embroidered with sequins and had a netting top that gave the dress a more reserved look. 

Upon seeing it, my eyes widened and I reached for it instantly. The fabric was soft and I checked the tag to see that it was in my size. "Can I try this on?" I asked her impatiently, this very well could be my Winter Formal dress. How did I not see it when I was going through that rack earlier?

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