"Why are you so kind to me?" He asked and Felix looked down to him.

"Because you deserve my kindness. You've done nothing to not deserve it." He said and Cry gave a small nod. Felix held him up and ran his sky blue eyes over him.

"What?" Cry questioned as Felix ran a finger over his cheek. He rubbed it and sighed.

"You're filthy. I'm giving you a bath." Felix said and Cry turned his head to the side.

"Don't you think the tub is a bit too big?" He asked and Felix chuckled. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink.

"The sink isn't." He said and placed his hand underneath the water, making sure the water was right for him. He picked Cry up and lowered him into the warm waters. He gave a content sigh and sat in the water looking up at Felix. Felix grabbed a bottle of shampoo and put some in his hands. He started lathering his small body up and before he got his head he paused.

"You might wanna close your eyes so the soap won't get in them." Felix said and Cry nodded, closing his eyes. He felt Felix running soap all over his head and a little on his cheeks. Felix poured water over his head and Cry's eyes flew open. He coughed and shook his head.

"I could have done with a warning, y'know." He said and Felix gave an apologetical smile.

"I'm sorry. I will next time." He said and Cry frowned.

"There will be a next time?" He questioned and Felix chuckled. He poked Cry in the tummy and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, Cry." Felix said and Cry sighed, his eyes fluttering shut again. He felt Felix pour more water over his head and he shook his head. After a while longer of Felix drowning him and scrubbing at him he felt something soft and warm envelope his body. His eyes opened and he was wrapped in a towel, Felix cradling him close to his chest.

"That wasn't that bad, was it?" Felix asked. Cry rolled his eyes and leaned his head against his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. It was calming and he didn't even notice when Felix started drying his body off. He felt the warmness of the towel leave his body and he opened his eyes to look at Felix. The blonde Swede was gazing at him and a faint smile was present on his face. Cry stood up and sat on his shoulder, pressing their heads together.

"You're a good friend, Felix." Cry whispered and Felix took him in his hands, holding him close.

"You're an even better one, Cry. In all honesty I've needed a friend like you. It gets lonesome just sitting around and playing video games all day." Felix muttered and sighed. Cry looked at him in confusion. What about that girl he saw? Where was she? Cry pondered for a moment or two, considering rather or not he should ask. Felix ran his eyes over the small creature as he thought. His lifted his pinky up and gently caressed the side of his cheek.

"Can I ask you something?" Felix asked and Cry nodded, his hair bobbing along with his head.

"Shoot." Cry said and placed himself back on Felix's shoulder, dangling his feet.

"What does it feel like to not have any arms?" Felix wondered and Cry shrugged.

"It makes things more...difficult. I have to use my mouth and feet. If I fall over I almost can't get back up. It's just another thing to make me feel like a freak." Cry said and Felix frowned. He shook his head, placing a finger under Cry's chin and turning his head to his. Cry ran his ocean blue eyes over Felix's face and his heart fluttered when he realized just how pretty his savior was.

"What did I say? You are not a freak, you're just different and there is nothing wrong with that. It's a beautiful thing." Felix said. He hesitated a bit, but he placed a kiss onto Cry's cheek. Cry blushed heavily and gave a shy smile.

"If you say so, Felix." He said and jumped down to Felix's lap. He curled into a ball and Felix wrapped a blanket around him. He caressed his side and hummed softly to him, watching as his eyes slid shut. Cry felt comforted by his soft touches and his sweet humming was melodic and stared to lull him to sleep. Before he dozed off he opened his eyes and looked up to Felix. He was smiling down at him and was still humming.

"Felix?" He asked sleepily. Felix stopped his sweet humming and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Cry?" Felix questioned, contuning to run his fingers up and down his side.

"Can I ask you something now?" Cry asked and Felix nodded his head.

"Sure. I asked you one, it only seems fair." He said.

"When I was looking in your closet earlier I found a box of photos. There were a lot of photos of a girl and you...is she your girlfriend?" Cry asked and Felix gave a small frown. He nodded.

"Yea, she was. I loved her more than anything and I thought she loved me back. I went to work one day and came home earlier than usual because I wasn't feeling well. I caught her cheating on me...I'd never experienced heartbreak quite like I had with her." He said and sadness welled within those usually shiny eyes. Cry felt bad for bringing it up and he crawled onto Felix's chest and pressed his cheek to his.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked. You don't have to say anymore. But...I know what it feels like to be alone so...I'm here for you." Cry said and Felix gave a small smile. Cry returned the smiled and jumped back down to his lap. He curled back up into a ball and Felix wrapped the blanket back around him, humming softly again. He started running his hand up and down his side again and it lulled Cry right to sleep in a matter a moments.

Felix's P.O.V.

Felix continued to hum and caress Cry's sides until he finally heard his small friends soft snores. He gave a smile and gently placed him beside of him on the couch and lightly ran a finger over his cheek. He really was a sweet little guy. It was hard to believe someone as innocent as him was actually suppose to cause such havoc in the near future. Well, whenever he evolved. Felix began to wonder about that as he sat and looked at Cry sleeping soundly. What would he look like when he evolved? Would his skin be just as white, or would it end up becoming tanner? Would his eyes remain the brilliant ocean blue they were now? Felix found himself wanting to know these things badly. He actually couldn't wait until Cry evolved. But then that got him thinking about something else. Would Cry want to stay when he evolved? Felix hoped so. He needed a friend, and Cry was a wonderful friend. When he told him he would be here for him, it calmed his nerves. He actually had someone he could talk to now if he needed and he knew Cry would listen. He needed this in his life right now. He frowned and rose from the couch, going into the guest bedroom. He opened up the closet and picked up the photos Cry must have knocked out of the box. He stacked them all back up neatly in the box but kept the one of Marzia. He closed the closet and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. He ran his finger over the photo and felt tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"I loved you and did everything for you. How could have done this to me? Why? Did...was it me?" Felix whispered to the photo, wishing it could answer him back. He sighed and hung his head, clutching the picture in his hand. He released a shaky breath and before he could crush the picture he dropped it to the ground, shoving it underneath the bed with his foot.

"Don't sweat too much over this, man. She just wasn't the one. That person is still out there, you just gotta go find them and you can't if you just sit and sulk like this everyday." Ken's words echoed in his head and he ran a hand through his hair as he released a heavy sigh. Ken was right. Sure he had loved and done everything for Marzia, but she was gone now and she sure wasn't having any second thoughts for him. She had moved on and forgotten about him, so why shouldn't he do the same? He rose from the bed and went into the living room to get Cry before retreating into his bedroom. He laid down beside of Cry and let his eyes flutter shut. He had been so sure Marzia was the one. If someone like her wasn't, then who possibly could? He shook the thought away and rolled over on his side, smiling when Cry curled up against him slightly. He soon fell asleep to the calming sound of Cry's even breathing.

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