Chapter Two

Depuis le début

I was rather confused about this prison, was this some sort of luxury prison or a private prison that the government didn't know about? I was then showed my cell with my supposed cellmate not to far behind me, I wanted to see who it was but I knew that the guard wasn't going to be so kind if he caught me not listening to his strict orders of "not speaking" and "not staring everywhere". The pod was gigantic, very gigantic and I was pretty amazed because it was mostly clean and quiet considering it supposedly housed many inmates at the moment. I tried hard not to look at everything as I walked, it hard a very big section that was obviously the cafeteria section of the pod, every pod must eat separately. The bunkbeds were in the far corner of the cell a metal table was welded to the wall with a small metal mirror on the wall over a sink and toilet unit, it was clean but it was definitely nothing special to see. 

"Just who I asked for." I turned to see the stocky guy from before... just when I thought I would never see him again. That was sarcasm, by the way. "I knew it." 

"Huh?" I replied in confusion, not entirely sure what he knew exactly.

"Dick-sucking Maroon." And that's when I knew it as well, I was sure my face was bright red as I stared at the stocky man before me.

"Freddie?" I asked, cocking my head unsurely as I stared at him in disbelief... it was no way. "Freddie Williamson?"

"Hell yeah, all in the flesh, baby." He chuckled, his hands spread out as I immediately took the chance to look him all over at once again. 

That's one sexy ass man, his goatee only made him look sexier as his dreads swung slightly as he turned his head to look around our bunk we were going to be sharing if everything went well, and I was sure everything would go perfectly fine. I waited as he sat his things down before going to set my things on the top bunk, I stretched and I could feel Freddie's presence move closer as I glanced back to see him standing on inches away from me, so close to me. 

"You seeing anyone else now?" He asked barely above a whisper, causing a shiver to immediately quake through me.

"No... you?" I asked, glancing up at him as I turned around and we were almost chest to chest, this was insane and I knew it. 

"It's been years." Freddie replied instead, making me raise an eyebrow curtly at him because I then knew he wasn't going to give me an answer. "I always thought about you... wondered if you even remembered me." 

"Ha, you were the only person that I ever had a real feeling with Freddie, you knew that. In my mind, you were mine." I reminded him as I moved away and climbed onto my bunk with uneven footing. 

He was silent as he watched my slight struggle before he gave me a nudge of the bottom of my butt, making me roll my eyes as I made it to the top bunk and cut my eyes to him unhappily. He was trying to be "helpful" and gave me a cheesy smile that I was so determined to reply with something just as sinister, but I knew I wasn't the old Bryson anymore, I was mature... I think. I started making my bunk with the fitted sheet just as he realized what I was doing.

"You ain't gotta make your bunk, you sleeping with me tonight." Freddie said with a hint of pride in his voice. "I'm tryna tap something." He snickered.

"You can tap something... but it ain't gonna be." Why am I lying right through my teeth, even God himself knows I can't resist the hunk that stole my heart.

"And, why not?" He retorted, leaning against the bunk with his elbows and smirking up at me.

"Because I said so." I retorted back, trying hard not to sneer because I knew that comeback was lame and he wasn't going to just agree with me, he never did. 

"You still let that shit get to you, don't you?" My eyebrows dipped in confusion as I looked at him. 

"What are you...." I drawled as it dawned on me, hell yeah, that shit was going to stick with me forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

"I ain't the same no more, I got counseling when I first arrived." He explained, cocking his head as he stared up at me, his smirk slightly dissipating as if he was reminiscing. 

"What are you in here for now?" I asked.

"Shot a guy that was marrying to my baby mama." He shrugged as if he didn't care. "Then dismembered him and sent him to her house." I was completely disgusted, I truly hope he wasn't being honest. 

"That's disgusting." I replied, shivering in disgust. 

"Ha, the best part was writing the note with it." He laughed hard, smirking a little. "Love you to pieces, love Fred." 

"You're a psycho." I reminded him.

"But that's what you feel in love with, remember?" He whispered, his hand grabbing my thigh suddenly, making me flinch slightly at how swift he moved.

"I don't remember." I whispered back, shaking my head as I returned to making my bed.

Silence fell over us as his attempts to rekindle the secret teenage flings we had finally ended. "You put on a lot of weight." He said abruptly, stepping back and leaning against the metal table. 

"You put on a lot of muscle." I replied, not missing a beat as I made my bed.

"I look good." He replied. "You... hmm, I don't know." 

I snickered, typical Freddie was back. "Obviously you do know, you're the one trying to fuck, not me Freddi-."

"Daddy, don't act like you forgot what you used to call me." He said with the pride back in his voice. "And I'm desperate, and you're my desperate measure."

"You're an asshole, that's what you are. The same old asshole that used to bully me until I started sucking your dick so you wouldn't steal my lunch mon-"

"Your head was always amazing-"

"-ey, the same old asshole that told everyone that I had HIV so they wouldn't talk to m-"

"You don't have it now do yo-"

"-e, and the same old asshole that fucked that the sluttiest hoe in-"

"Hold on, that's my babymama you're talking about, bitch!" Freddie suddenly snatched my wrist and squeezed it tightly as my eyes widened... my big ass mouth always starts trouble. 

I was now mortified as I saw the fast change in his behavior, his bipolar disorder had only seem to plunge more and more as the days go by and to see him get so agitated about his baby mother, it was obvious that he was in love with her. I saw nothing but rage in his eyes as I attempted to pull my hand back and he allowed me this time as his eyes narrowed in on me.

"Never, unless you wanna die a slow motherfucking death, speak about my babymama again. At least she's not some fat fuck that still whines about a high school crush, and she's never got arrested for prostituting. Respect her because she can have kids, and she's always gonna be worth more than your slutty ass." He said while exiting the cell, leaving me in complete disbelief and most of all, completely shattered all over again.

Prison Bait: Bryson: RecoveryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant