We sat there in silence, savoring the fresh air and the view.

"This is nice." He said and I just hummed in contentment. He leaned his elbows on the table behind us and his one arm was positioned behind me, a clear invitation that I could lean into him if I want to.

Gathering my resolve, I finally allowed myself to be closer to him as I leaned my body towards him. As soon as I did that, he immediately had his open arms on my shoulder, moving me so that I was leaning on his chest instead and I couldn't help but bask in his scent, my mind wondering how far things between us would go from here now that we've made our move.

We stayed that way for half an hour. There was no need to talk. We just allowed ourselves to listen to the soft chatter of the people around us, the purr of the vehicles that would pass by from time to time and the soft rustle of the wind blowing in our faces. For me, it was already perfect, and I wish that time could have stopped but I realized that this was just the start. There were a lot of things that we could do from here on out.

By the time that we finally decided to leave our spot, our hands where already intertwined as we made our way to my car.

When we reached our destination, the sun was already starting to set and we were glad that the place was not yet crowded that we were able to find the perfect spot to have our dinner,

The restaurant had an area with a roof where their customers can dine and not have to worry if it suddenly rains but majority of the area was open space and the restaurant itself was situated on top of a cliff, with a much better view of the city and since it was starting to get dark, we could already see signs of the city's night life.

We asked to be seated in a table for two that was just around the edge of the cliff. The table was in a corner and most of the tables beside us were for couples us well so they were far enough apart that we could have the small little corner all by ourselves.

"You picked the right place." Cal commented as soon as the waiter left, and he looked around to survey the surroundings.

"I'm glad you liked it... you know I was just winging it but yeah..." I looked around to appreciate the view.

"This place is quite nice, and I have to say... the view is quite beautiful from up here."

"It's beautiful indeed" When I looked at him though, he wasn't looking at all at the surroundings and I couldn't help the flush on my cheeks from appearing.

"Wait, I have something for you." He suddenly said and placed a small paper bag on the table. I saw him take that paper bag from his backpack earlier but didn't really ask what it was for.

"Hold on... why are you giving me something?" I asked, confused.

"Remember, when I told you that I was going to give you a token once you passed your certification..." I was about to say something, but he cut me off. "Now, I know that you haven't taken it yet but I'm already positive that you're going to nail it so I might as well give it to you while I'm here and don't worry... It's not really much, just a little trinket for you." He explained as he pulled out a small box and placed it on the table in front of me.

Right. I forgot that he didn't know about certification that I already completed.

I took the box and was quite relieved that it didn't resemble anything like a jewelry box.

"Ahm... actually, I already took the certification... yesterday... and I passed."

Cal blinked in surprise and straightened up.

"You did? Hey, why didn't you tell me?" he pouted, but in an adorable way. His face actually looked happy at the news.

"I was afraid of failing. I wanted to make sure that when I tell you, it's already when I already passed it so I can surprise you."

Call Center Diaries: CASSIDY (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now