Chapter Two

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"Don't take this off until the next morning, alright?" The doc, I forget his name, commands me. I roll my eyes and go cross-eyed to look at the bandage on my nose, "It will start releasing a cold sensation onto your nose; like you have an ice pack pressed against it."

Almost as if the bandage heard him, the bandage starts to get cold, "Why can't we just crack it back into place?" I ask. My feet dangle off the medical bed as I watch the doc put his equipment away.

"Because that's not how it works, Clove." he turns to look at me, eyebrows in a furry.

"That's dumb." I hop off the bed and brush some lint off my shoulder. Atticus stands near the door, leaned back, eyes closed; clearly bored.

"Well, so is putting yourself in a situation where you can break your nose," the doc glances from me to Atticus then turns back to the counter, continuing to put things away, "How'd it occur anyways?"

I know he knew the answer, but I lie regardless, "A little mishap while I was training."

"Hmm.." the doc hums. I roll my eyes and turn to face Atticus, his eyes already trained on me.

To be fair, I always question how someone his age could be training kids my age already, which would be 17 to 18. Atticus is only 20, making him the youngest of the trainers, "Ready?" he questions. I nod and follow him back to the training area located in the Academy.

When we get back, the boys are nowhere to be found, but Paris rushes up to me, face blushed, "You'll never guess what happened."

"What happened?" I ask in a fake excitement.

Paris's eyes narrow at my sarcasm, "That Cato boy, he said he wants me to train him in bow and arrow."

This catches Atticus's attention because he's slowly inching closer to us, "Oh really?" I tap my chin and give her a questionable look. Her face is full of glee; like she's already won the games.

"Yeah, and I totally said yes. I mean, who wouldn't?" she makes a scoff noise as if her words were the truth, but I simply cannot agree.

"I wouldn't," I shrug, "never."

"Why?" her arms are crossed now, "Because he broke your nose?"

"No," the look on my face must have been a bit too harsh because she shrinks back a little, "because he's arrogant, cocky, and obviously thinks he could take anyone here.. "

Atticus chuckles and walks away, but Paris remains still, glaring at me, "Gee, sounds like someone I know."

"Who me?"

"Yes, Clove. You."

I chuckle, "Okay, fair enough, but at least I don't break people's noses to prove it."

"Mhm," is all she says before giving me a cocky grin and walking to the locker room.

Since I live so close the academy, I stay back for a few hours working on throwing techniques. I know I don't really need to, but a little extra training doesn't hurt anyone.

"You're still here?" I voice creeps up behind me, causing me to jump a bit. A deep chuckle follows and I turn to glare at Cato, whose arms are crossed.

"Great, you again." I cross my arms now, knife still in my hand.

"Nice nose, knife girl."

"Hey thanks." I retort. Cato rolls his eyes, and walks around me, looking at the targets demolished with my knives. I set my knife down on the counter next to me, watching him.

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