Chapter Seven: E-Harmony Again, But Not So Creepy This Time

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Drama was intense. Like, REALLY intense. Chandler and I had arranged to walk home the last few days, but today he had to cancel. I don't know even why but I assumed it had to do with his extracurriculars, but I didn't have practice after school that day, because basketball and drama are on the same day.

After school practice was mostly just addressing costumes (since they picked the crew first) and props and sets, but on Thursday they're going to announce the cast. It's Wednesday, so it's the one day of auditions where non-drama-taking kids could audition. Perhaps it's just a coincidence that Chan had to cancel, because he sure doesn't seem a theatre type of person. Still, you never know.

"Hey, Mom?" I asked when I walked in and shut the door.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I heard Mom yell.

"Where are you?"

"My bedroom!"

I went into her room, and she was wearing a pencil skirt and blouse. Her laptop was open on her bed to E-harmony, and I promptly facepalmed. You just can't trust dating websites, can you? Your mom signs up for one, then she's leaving you alone a lot more mainly for the reason of dating. Yes, I understand that Mom's young and hot (as said by Ethan when I showed them the picture yesterday, the hot part, not the young part), but I need some attention that isn't blatant apologies for nearly letting your child get sexually solicited bumpy this guy you went out with. If only the was a dating site that required a background check....

"Mom, another date?" I asked, disgruntled, falling onto the bed.

"Elaina Ann, I thought you were fine with me dating?"

"Yeah, Mom, I am, but I need some love, too." I pleaded. For the extra effect, I slightly pouted my lower lip and gave her kitten eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's already set up for tonight," Mom finalized. "And aren't you a bit old to do the kitten eyes?"

I slammed my face into the comforter. "Moooooooooooooom," I groaned.

That supper was some food Mom actually made, which was eggs. I love eggs, especially with cheese on them, and she put extra on as an apology. I thanked her and hugged her three times before she left. To tell you the truth, I didn't want her leave me, but I need to learn to understand her boundaries and that she feels like she needs temporary companionship in a romantic sense. Aren't I enough? Is she trying to replace my dad? Speaking of which, why am I thinking that? I don't even know who my dad is! I open my notebook that's NOT for school, and take a pen and hastily scribble an angry letter to my father.

Dear Dad,

If you're out there, you're a jerk. Especially for knocking her up when she was fourteen. If I ever meet you, you're gonna get a punch to the nose. Screw you, Dad


Your daughter who you probably didn't know existed until now, Elaina Ann Pick

I sat angrily and ate my eggs, the extra cheese spoiled by my thoughts of my dad. My grumpiness lasted the rest of the night, and even the old VHS of the Parent Trap couldn't make me feel better. Well, I couldn't exactly watch anything else on tape because we only owned the Parent Trap and can't afford a DVD player. My laptop was in my room, but I didn't feel like getting up. In fact, it just made me angrier because the parents get back together at the end. However, I don't expect to ever meet my father, or even think of him in a paternal role. Listening to 'Let's Get Together' five times in a row did make me feel better.

Sophisticated Sharks and I'm Soaked and Covered in GlitterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ