Untitled Part 1

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Daniel felt happy as the movie finally ended, despite it being one of the worst he had ever seen. Seeing almost everyone together made him feel hopeful as he said his goodbyes and traveled back up to his floor, Tony at his side. That night he ate a bowl of soup and slept in his bed and only felt a-little alone as he did. The next morning he ate two eggs and read for more than a hour before a knock came from his door. Darcy gave Daniel the warmest hug he had felt since his Grandmother and he nearly cried.

"Dan, I can't believe you finally answered me, how are you doing, how are you feeling," she said as she once again hugged the thin man.

"I'm feeling better actually," he smiled as he told Darcy, "I'm eating better."

"Oh we should go for Brunch, I know this wonderful place around the corner," she said hopefully. Daniel flinched and backed away, mumbling something about not having anything to wear and attempting to push Darcy out of his apartment.

"Daniel, you're going and that's final, besides it's almost never busy, we can have Loki teleport us there," Darcy said while pushing back into the room and closing the door behind her, "Oh and maybe Steve and him could join us, It'll be fun."

"Fine, just give me a moment to get dressed," he said in a quiet voice before regrouping in his room. His body shook violently as he laid on the floor and silently cried before getting dressed and joining Darcy in the hall.

"Ok, lets go," he said before grabbing a thin jacket and locking his room. They met up with Steve and Loki who happily accepted their invitation and teleported them all to a small, empty café. An elderly woman stepped from a mahogany counter to greet Loki, who appeared to have visited the restaurant regularly. They sat in the very back and ate waffles, all the while discussing everything that Daniel had missed. Daniel ate more than he had eaten in the previous days combined, which made everyone smile. Soon, Tony called them back to the tower and they happily walked back and even Daniel did not notice the angry eyes that trailed him from all corners of the street.


Tony was surprised when Daniel came in for the briefing, but continued never less, "Hydra has attacked a military base near London and we have been asked to steal back the information that was stolen, we have word that they are holding it thirty miles east of Berlin, and before I go any further into the details, Danny are you ok to deal with this," Tony questioned towards the fail man, "I know you might not feel comfortable using your powers, with all that happened last year, but if you are sure you are ok, we'll be sure to have you."

Daniel took a long, deep breath, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say, "Yeah, I can't just hide away forever, if not now then when."

"Ok then, Cap," Tony quickly redirected the conversation back to the mission before Steven briefed everyone on their positions.

"Does everyone have everything they need," everyone shook their heads yes, "ok, well we move out first thing tomorrow."

As the room began to dissipate, Tony casually pulled Daniel into a empty office, "Hey Danny, are you sure you'll be ok, we're gonna need you to keep control of your powers.

"Tony, you have got to believe me, this is going to help me, I need to do something to show people that I'm in control, you know how people look at me, everyone is afraid of me," Daniel was nearly shouting by the end, tears rolling down his face. Tony quickly stepped forward to comfort him, he hadn't realized how frail he really was.

"I'm sorry, I just had to make sure, everyone just wants to make sure you're ok, I need to know you're ok," Tony said while holding Daniel even closer.

"Thank you, Tony, I know this has been hard for you, I've been a terrible friend," Daniel said with newfound clarity.

"No Danny you have been the best of friends to all of us," Tony said as they both pulled away, Daniel wiping away his tears with a tissue. The two emerged and quickly joined the group that had formed in the dining hall.

"You know Tony if you ever wanted to have a relationship with a reasonable person, I'm sure Mathew over there, would love to be your boy-toy," Tony blushed before wandering over to stand by Matt. Wade waved to Dan who quickly wandered over to join him Peter.

"So are you screwing yet," smirked Dan causing Wade to grin and Peter to shuffle uncomfortably.

"W-what," questioned Peter in an extremely high voice, "no of course not, I'm dating Gwen," with each word Peter sounded more unsure of the truth and by the end was blushing like a tomato.

"I thought you two broke up like years ago, plus you and Wade would be really cute together, and plus do you know how much I bet on you two," Wade laughed and Peter blushed even harder.

"Y-you bet on us, with who," questioned Peter.

"Natasha, Tony, Loki and even Wade here, and it appears he lost our most recent one," smirked Dan, "pay up boy." Dan held out his hand and Wade rolled his eyes before handing him a fifty.

"Wait, what did you bet," squealed Peter.

"That is something you'll have to ask him yourself," Dan laughed before moving away.

"In my defense I didn't think you would have been this stubborn," Wade said to Peter, "tight ass and all." That drew a gasp from Peter, who found Wade's words enchanting.

"Oh and by the way Wade, Peter and Gwen broke up weeks ago, everyone always seems to forget that I can read minds," this caused Wade to look into Peter's eyes with a sweet intensity.

"That sweet ass is mine," he said a his right hand grabbed Peter's right cheek and squeezed, drawing a slight moan from Peter, who immediately blushed and excused himself to the restroom.

"Damn I might just loose a couple of bets, looking at his reaction," Wade was nearly speechless, for he had never seen Peter react in such a way.

"Isn't he a minor," called Matt, who had apparently been listening, from across the way.

"Nah he's twenty-one, that sweet ass can drink and everything," reassured Wade.

"Huh, well good luck," called back Matt before continuing to question Tony.

"I am really good at this," mumbled Dan to himself as Peter came back in the room, this time with wild hair, "two more days," he called to Natasha who shook her head.

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