Evie x reader (male)

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I waited for my orders from Crawford starrick. He was currently speaking with pear Attaway and Lucy thorne.

" ughh... This is gonna be a while." I mumble as I leave the building to find something to do. It was usually quiet in London but not in Whitechapel. Whitechapel home of the most deadliest gang fights and men and women.

As I headed down the Whitechapel I noticed a building on fire and people surrounding the outside. I was curious so I headed over.

It was an orphanage burning to the ground I barged through the ground to the front and saw a woman carrying children out then running back in to save more.

I couldn't just watch so I ran inside to try and help. There was one child who was crying in the corner of the building I ran towards him and lifted him up.

" Come on let's go!" I said as I ran back to the entrance. I barley made it out because the second I placed the child down the door way was collapsed in. I remember the woman was still in there. I looked for any way back in to save her but it was useless.

"HEY!" A voice shouted above me, I looked up to see the woman in a window gap.

" Jump I've got you!" I yelled back up as she nodded. She jumped out of the 3 story window and fell straight into my arms. I held her close as lowered her down to the floor further away than the orphanage. Her head covered her face as she sat there. I kneeled down and sighed in relief.

" Are you alright?" I asked just to make sure she didn't need to see a doctor. She Pulled her hood down showing her eyes and her now messy chocolate hair.

" Yes thank you, and thanks back there." She smiled. God she looks perfect.

"Glad to know my name is (y/n). And who might you be? "  I asked as any gentleman would.

" Evie, Evie Frye. Pleasure to meet you."  Evie Frye... The name sounded familiar.

" the Pleasure is all mine." I smiled as I lifted her gentle hands and kissed them ever so slightly. Her face turned a slight pink colour. I stood up and helped her up to.

" Well as lovely as this was to meet you I must leave." She smiled as I nodded.

" May our paths cross again." I replied as I bowed down slightly.

" I think they will..."

To be continued. ..

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