“Well, child, what did they say?” Irene asked.

Okay, I’m seriously tired of her voice…

“They said that…that something big was coming. Something that Sherlock wouldn’t be able to foresee. Said something about it coming from the King of the Web…Moriarty.” I said, trying to remember their words exactly.

Sherlock sat forward in his chair, worried expression came over his features. He began to pace around the room, thinking furiously.

Perhaps he was retreating to his ‘Mind Palace’ as he called it.

“I’m sorry, does the name Moriarty mean something to him?” I asked Uncle.

“Yes, he’s gone after Sherlock before. Told him that he was still coming after him, that he was going to burn the heart out of him. Sherlock never has given up watching out for him.” Uncle said.

Then, Uncle John went into the kitchen, as Sherlock began to mumble. Irene never took her eyes off him, but I ignored her. She was just hungry for something exciting, and if she thought Sherlock could give it to her, then that’s where she remained.

Instead I followed Uncle to the kitchen.

“Well, Winter, we need to change your bandages, but were out of first aid things. I’ll run to the store, be back in a bit!” uncle said, before rushing off.

I sighed, and went back to my room. I had no reason to be down there. I could hardly stand the sight of Irene. And Sherlock was to buzy thinking to even speak.

I sat in my bed, curled up watching the TV. It was the only thing I could do to take my mind off thing.

It was Thursday, around 10AM. Charlie would be at school, and Molly was probably at Bart’s working away.

I’d been asleep for almost a total of 24 hours. Honestly I’m surprised that Uncle didn’t put me in the hospital. But I suppose he didn’t feel the need, since was already an Army Doctor. I’m sure he had seen worse.

Then, my door opened, and I thought it to be my Uncle, but was let down when I seen the face of Irene.

“Now, now, don’t look so down to see me! I’ve just come up to have a chat with you!” she said, cheerfully.

I fought the need to roll my eyes.

Irene sat at the foot of my bed, and I sat up, facing her.

“What would you like to discuss Miss. Adler?” I asked.

“Your very polite dear, manners are a good thing to have. But this is no time for manners. I know that you were spying on me the other morning, now that’s not very polite is it?” she said, smirking.

“I know and i swear I didn’t hear anything major, I was just-“

“I don’t care what your intentions were girl. But I’m warning you, to stay out of my business, and well as Sherlock’s.” she said, sternly.

Okay….Sass Mode Engaged.

“What are you going to do if I don’t? I mean I did just get the crap kick out of me because of your and Sherlock’s business.” I said, crossing my arms and smirking.

“Yes, and there will be plenty more beatings were this came form if you don’t. Besides, we don’t want you to end up like big brother, now do we?” she asked.

I looked at her, wide eyed.

“No one knows about that. Not even Uncle John. How do you…” I said, trailing off.

Irene smirked, before standing up and leaving the room.

I sat still, trying to figure out how she new about my brother. Well half-brother really, but we might as well of been full blood related.

We shared a mom, but when he was born his dad left them. Then my dad and mom met, and my dad cared for my brother as his own. But when my brother was about 15 he drown. My brother and I were close, but my dads side of the family never really paid much attention to my brother. I’m not sure why.

Finally Uncle John arrived, and changed my bandages.

He told me to ‘take it easy and rest up’ but I knew that I was going to be doing quite the opposite.

I was to buzy concentrating on what Irene had said.

What Lies Beneath (Sherlock (BBC) Fan-Fiction)**Under Heavy Rewrites**Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα