chapter 5

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Picture above of Nina Dobrev as Samieka Wilburn.

This chapter is dedicated to Meg Faulkenberry for she was the first to comment on the previous chapter.

As Selena parked the car in the garage I hop out and start taking the bags inside. In all their was twenty five bags , six was for my mother ,three for selena and the rest for me, yes you heard right all the other sixteen bags are mine.

I like hardly know selena but I like her.

We both went to the back seat to retrieve the bags. We took two trips before we were done taking the bags in the house.

As we entered the house a sent hit our nose .

"Chocolate " we both said at the same time and giggled .

We followed our nose to the kitchen, only to be greeted by a big home made pine velvet fruit cake with chocolate icing, my favourite.

When I was little and would come home with bruises all over my body, my mom would make me a pine velvet fruit cake and sing to me telling me that every thing is gonna be alright.
That always worked and in no time I had a smile on my face.

Just then my mom walk in to the kitchen, took two saucers from the cupboard, and hand both of us a slice of cake .

" Mom, your a life saviour" I said not losing eye contact with the cake .

"Yea I know right."

Five minutes later

We all went to the living room to show my mom what we bought for her. Selena took the six bags and place two on her lap and the others on the floor ,first thing she took out was a blue and white dress that made her eyes stood out. Every piece of clothing she took out she thanked us for, her face was so happy and full of joy all thanks to selena.

In all we got her two sandals three pairs of shoes , five pair of working suites and a lot more .

I went up stairs to put away my new clothes , shoe , etc .

Then I heard selena shout from downstairs, " Hannah am going home now but I'll be back by 3:00 to take you by the beauty Solon , so see you then, okay?


I was just about to continue what I was doing but I don't know what came over me I ran down stairs and just as selena was about to open the door when I ran up to her and pulled her into a warm bear hug.

"Thanks again selena. "

"Your most welcome hannah "

"Be ready by 3:00 okay" she said while ruffling my hair, I nod and with that she left.

I so can't wait for tomorrow
bitches , whores , sluts , players, bad boys and jocks, I just got two words for you and that's ...........

Watch out. %%%

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By y'all.

Nuff love from

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