This thing we call love

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My name is Laila and I'm 17 years old. I live in Miami, Florida with my mother. If your wondering where my father is well, lets just say he's in a better place but definitely gone to soon. Considering the fact that he's gone and I don't really have a male figure in my life its hard for me to open up to guys let a lone date. Now don't let that foul you I get wild when I need to and will whoop a bitch ass before she even gets the chance to approach me. I enjoy relationships I really do but I don't have time for the petty shit anymore. I was very much in love with my last boyfriend before I moved to Florida that was when I lived in Virginia. We didn't want to break up when I had to move so being the dumb ass teenagers we are we tried long distance. Long story short I ended up with a broken heart and my moms shoulder to cry on. Since then I haven't let a boy in my life at all and I don't intend too. My mom dated after my dad and I can't say I'm to comfortable with that but she would never know it. Just cause I'm single doesn't mean she has to be. I love that woman with everything in me. She works to hard to put up with sorry ass men but if all fails I will be there when she needs me too. Hopefully we both find someone to settle down with, but you never know in the cold streets of This thing we call love.

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