Chapter 1

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A little girl with black hair sits at her small table, small stuffed animals surround the table sitting in chairs, as the girl no older than 6 giggles gleefully. On her table are teacups, all of them filled with sweet tea, and a big plate with bagels on it sits directly in the middle. Next to the bagels is a butter knife and a small container of butter. The little girl with a wide and innocent smile, spreads butter onto a bagel while talking to her toys as if they were real people.

The girl looks over to a woman standing off to the side, the woman's grey/blue eyes are lighted with happiness and adoration, as she looks to the little girl. Dark brown curls cascade down the woman's shoulders in waves, her face is delicate and full of wonder and happiness, as she looks upon her daughter with amusement. Next to her in a tall man, he has an arm wrapped around the woman's waist and a wide grin spread across his face. His eyes were brown, and almost had a reddish tent to them, his black hair was messy and disheveled, and stopped just below his ears. He had a strong and defined face, and his eyes sparkled with adoration and love, as he looked upon both the woman and child, he calls his wife and daughter.

"Mommy! Daddy! Do you want to have a cup of tea and some bagels?" She questions with wide grey/violet eyes full of innocence and wonder.

"Why yes! A cup of tea sounds LOVELY!" The man says poshfully, getting giggles from his wife and daughter.

"What about you mommy?" She questions her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Of course sweet heart, tea and bagels sound really good." The little girl's mother smiles.

The little girl giggles, before excitedly handing her mother and father their tea and bagels. Grabbing herself another bagel she smears butter onto the bagel with the silver butter knife, before taking a bite.

After a few minutes of giggles and laughs from all three of the family members, a door bell echoes into the house reaching the room. The girl's father gives a kiss on each the woman's and the girls forehead before walking out of the room to check the front door.

The girl's mother continues to chat with her happy and energetic daughter, before a loud bang echoes throughout all of the rooms. The woman's eyes widen in terror, before she rushes onto her feet, clutching her stomach, and telling her daughter to stay put. She leaves the room, before moments later the mother with terror filled eyes, sweeps the girl into her arms, and rushes to the corner of the room where a closet is located. She puts her daughter into the closet, tears flowing down her face as she tells her daughter to stay put.

The girl in confusion nods, her innocent eyes looking at her crying mother in worry. Her mother trying to be strong for her daughter smiles, before she shuts the closet, only for it to open slightly, leaving small crack for the girl to look through. Curiously she looks through the small crack only to see her mother cornered at the front of the room standing defiantly in front of a strange man. The man grins wickedly at the woman, before his hand comes up and lands on her chest, as a knife pierces through the woman's chest. The little girl's eyes widen in terror.


Shooting up I begin to gasp for air, I breathe heavily as sweat beads down my face. Looking towards the clock it reads 6:30 A.M. with a rigged breath I sigh.

"Just a dream."

I pull the blankets off of my sweaty body, before sweeping my legs over to the side of my bed. Hunching my back I clutch my hair in my hands looking down onto the floor, trying to calm my nerves. Looking up I look around the dimly lighted room, a smile breaks out on my face when my eyes land upon two small objects.

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