Prologue...ish thing

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*Prologue and Aleah's Pov*

"Goodbye Harry," I said as I hugged him.

"Bye Leah," He was in tears, as was I.

"Please don't make this hard, This isn't forever goodbye. You'll be back in six months. Don't cry and be stuck on me again. Have fun!" I demanded.

I wiped a tear and kissed his cheek. Then I turned him and rushed him off. I slid in my heels and walked out of the airport. The same paparazzi following me, same everything.

'Aleah! How does it feel to have your boyfriend leave?' and 'Leah, how do you feel being left behind, while millions of girl throw themselves at Harry?' I ignored them and walked off like always.

I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out of my pocket. CALLER ID; 'Hazza <3' I pressed the 'answer' button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"HEY! HARRY MISSES YOU ALREADY!" Lou's voice rang in my ear. The small beep signaling he hung up went off.

Well I miss him also, he's my best friend, how am I not going to miss him?

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