**2 hours later**

We had eaten most of the food, watched almost every movie we rented, and now we were playing Truth or Dare.

"Okay Rydel, your turn. Truth or dare?" I asked her.

She pretended that she was thinking before finally answering. "Truth"

"okay, do you like Ellington?"

"Dare" she said looking around.

I laughed, "okay, I dare you to answer the question."

Rydel didnt answer. Instead her cheeks turned pink as she smiled.

"Oh my gosh! You do!" Angel screamed with excitement.

Rydel shushed her. "They'll hear you!"

"Oh you dont want them to hear, that way they'll tell him." Brianna laughed.

"Exactly captain obvious. So dont say a word." Rydel said throwing a pillow at her.

"Ang you have barely said a word." Angel said looking over at me.

"Oh im just thinking how awesome it would be if 'rydellington' really happened." I said giggling.

"Something did happen on New Years but you weren't here to see it." Angel replied looking over at Rydel just to see her blush.

"Ooh what happened?"

"Ellington kissed her after the ball dropped."

"It was just on the cheek." Rydel said making sure I didnt take it the wrong way.

"Yea but im pretty sure you want it to be lips." I teased.

Rydel looked over at me before whispering, "Okay, I got something to tell you but.you.cant.tell.no.one." Everyone leaned in closely to listen. "Okay, so me and Ellington started to go out and we decided that it would be nice to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Everyone gasped and I was pretty sure Angel was about to scream.

"You can't even tell my brothers because they specifically told Ratliff that he wasnt allowed to date me."

"But, you two kissed and they didnt care and they always tease you talking about how you should date." Brianna said confused.

"Bri, it was New Years. Everyone needs a kiss plus it was on the cheek. Ross and Riker kissed random fans that day. They only tease but they are serious about me not dating anyone. Heck, I have to sneek out just to see him."

Brianna nodded her head understanding.

"Okay anyways, all of us is seeing someone exept Angela, who should she date?" Rydel asked changing the subject.

"Ooh what if she dated Josh Hutchinson?" Brianna suggested. I looked at her in a weird way. "What?! I just said what if and it would be awesome plus he's cute and im pretty sure someone we know knows him."

"Please, Jenson Ackles is way cuter." I said with some sass in it.

"Whos that?" Brianna asked confused.

I was shocked. You dont know who Jensen Ackles is?!" I yelled surprised.

"Dude he plays Dean off of Supernatural! How do you not know? That show is awesome!" Angel argued too.

I looked at her and gave her a high five. "Agreed." I looked over at Rydel and she was as confused as Brianna. "Okay we need to show these girls how much awesomeness they're missing out on." I said looking at Angel. She nodded as we pulled them to the couch and I turned on Netflix.

They were so into the show that Rydel didnt even notice the boys going into the kitchen to take some of the food we had out.

"Hey Rydel." I whispered.

"Shh...Im watching this"

I rolled my eyes playfully as I walked into the kitchen. I saw Ryland stuffing cookies into his pockets while eating some with Ross behind him doing something. I cleared my throat loud enough so they could hear.

"You know if your wanting to take the food, dont walk towards the kitchen like your planning to take it." I said smiling.

Ryland looked at me, took another bite of the cookie he had and steadily took steps behind him heading to the doorway. Leaving me alone with Ross. He looked at me rolled his eyes, not the playful way, and continued what he was doing.

"Are you going to keep acting like im not here?"

He ignored me and just walked pass me. But before he made it to the doorway I spoke.

"That doesn't phase me you know." I said spinning around to face him. "You can keep treating me like a parasite all you want! But no matter what you do, I'm not leaving! You're gonna have to get used to the fact that I AM here to stay sooner or later! So make your choice, Brother" I left the kitchen with a speechless Ross behind as I went to finish what I was watching with the girls.

Truth Be Toldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें