His eyes widened, and he seemed frozen in time. I offered it to Marinette, but she had the same reaction.

I moved to open it, but Adrien stopped me. "Don't open it." He warned. "Not in here."

I looked at him skeptically. "Do you know what this is?"

"I have..." he caught Marinette's eye. "No idea. But I have a feeling... you should open it when you're alone in your room. Alone. Very much alone."

I stared at him. "I'm never alone."

"By alone, I meant without other human beings." Adrien rolled his eyes. "Oh, here we are. The bakery."

Marinette and I got out on either side, waving to Adrien. Marinette made it a point to help her Aunt Sabine in the bakery, so I went up to my room and opened the box.

"It's a choker!" I nearly screamed, dancing around my room. "Oh, sweet glory! A black choker! WITH PURPLE TRIM! MOM!"

Loud thumping could be heard, and my mom appeared in the doorway. "A choker!" She gasped. "Who gave you a choker?"

"I'm not sure." I shrugged. "I think Adrien did, with Marinette, as a surprise. Actually, I'm certain!"

"That's great!" Mom hugged me, and I reciprocated. "I know you've always wanted a choker."

"Shadi's going to be sooooo jealous." I smirked, stretching the choker over my head. "Look, it's so pretty!"

"I've got to help your Aunt Sabine." Mom said apologetically. "I'll be off, darling. Have fun!"

I turned to the mirror, admiring the choker. Then, I realized that it was moving.

No, it wasn't moving. Something on the choker was moving.

I screamed, moving backwards quickly. The thing flew off, eyeing me with its orange eyes.

I squinted. "Are you a bug?"

"No," it shrugged.

I screamed again, just for the sake of screaming. Then, I looked closer at the small non-bug. "What are you?" I asked, slipping into a British accent.

"You've been chosen as Paris's next superhero." The thing spoke quickly. "I am your kwami, Nyllis. I'm the super part of the superhero."

"Oh," I said faintly. "Why were you on my choker?"

"I inhabit the choker until you put it on." The kwami explained. "Then I just... y'know... hang around."

"I guess that makes sense." I said slowly, my head spinning. "So..."

The kwami was mainly black, his face and upper torso as dark as a colorless night. However, his chin was a light purple, and the back of his head was a darker purple. His lower torso was brown, and his entire body - minus his head - was completely speckled in creamy spots. Altogether, he looked like a small human, with flippers instead of hands and feet, and cream-colored droopy lines behind his small, round, black ears.

"Patrol is starting." The kwami told me. "We should get going if you want to do this."

"I am extremely confused." I told the kwami.

That makes all of us. What the **** is going on.

Who even knows anymore.

"To transform into your superhero self, just say the magic words."

"Magic words." I repeated. "What is it, some cheesy catchphrase?"

"Usually." Nyllis admitted. "But I think you can change it... maybe..."

I sighed. "What's the catchphrase?"

"I can't remember." Nyllis sat on my bed. "Haven't really done this in awhile."

"How about..." I thought for a moment. "Nyllis, let's bounce!"

A purple swirl suddenly blocked my vision. The voices flurried inside my head as I felt my clothes lengthening and changing into something more comfortable. I heard Nyllis give a small shriek of terror - and then it all stopped.

Cautious, I opened one eye to stare at myself in the mirror, but found myself staring at the bottom drawer of my dresser. I had somehow dropped to all fours, a mask across the top part of my face.

I stood up slowly, looking around. When I looked into the mirror, unfamiliar yellow eyes stared back at me. I brought my hands up to my eyes, but they were covered in gloves that sported black spots so large you could barely see the orange base underneath. Looking down at myself, I discovered that I was in a footed full-body suit that matched the gloves perfectly, and the gloves were actually sleeves. The palm of my hand was padded like a paw, and judging from the softness of the ground the bottom of my feet were the same way. The suit crawled up my neck and ended there, the only thing on my face being the orange and purple mask. I even had a tail that reached down to the ground, a black one.

"Okay." Nyllis's voice sounded in my mind. "Now, let's test your reflexes. Jump out of the window."

I coughed. "Sorry. Do what?"

"Jump out of the window," Nyllis repeated. "You should land on your feet."

"Should," I muttered, opening the window. I stared down at the pavement below. "I don't think I can do this."

"Just hurry up." Nyllis urged. "Come on, we'll be late for patrol."

Rolling my eyes, I climbed onto the windowsill. The moment my doubts took over, I free fell to the ground.

Miraculous Ladybug: EccentricOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz