Chapter 2: Weird Day

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[A/N: Before I start I just wanna say THANK YOU to music_lov3r101 for being the first person to drop a comment. You too guys, please leave a comment. I would be very happy. Love Lots :* ]

Chapter 2: Weird Day

While I was staring at her I felt my heart skip a beat... I snap out of myself and help her stand up.

"Oh ! Thank you and sorry for being clumsy." Her cheeks turned red.

"Its ok. No worries." I smiled at her.

  We went back to our seats and classes resume. We didn't really have a class at all, all we did was having convos in "getting to know each other" like prof said.

Time flied so fast and here I am together with Callum eating our snacks at the cafeteria.

"She's a godess" he said while looking at the window.

"Stop daydreaming bro. Haha." I said before taking a bite at my burger.

Callum was referring to our clasmate Sydney Redrew. I bet he was having this "love-at-first-sight" sickness. I admit Sydney was pretty, but Xanthe was prettier.





What the hell am I talking about. *shake heads*

Well back to the topic.. Sydney was a fine girl with long sun-streaked blond hair, sparkling green eyes and a pretty smile.

"She's the prettiest thing I've ever seen bro. I swear." Callum said playing with his fork.

"Hahaha. Bro 10 more minutes left. Eat your snacks or you'll starve to death later."

"Ow right ! Yeah yeah. Hmm. This carbonara taste soooo gooood." callum beggining to dig in his carbonara.

"You're hopeless. Hahahaha." I laugh and continue to eat.

Nothing much happened. 5 more minutes left and its our dismissal already.

"Ok Class. So before you go home I'll give you this letter one by one and you give this to your parents. Ok ?" Professor Johny.

"Yes sir." We obidiently answered.

Callum and I were walking together, I just found out that he was my new neighbor who transferred a week ago.

He stopped by at the flower shop to buy some flowers for his grandmother and I choose to wait for him outside.

I was sitting at the bench when I felt something. Something is not right out here.... Eyes.. There were eyes looking at me. I can feel it.

The wind blew and I felt cold. My heart was pounding so fast. That thing is somewhere near. . . But, where ? . . . . Now I'm having goosebumps.

I was about to look at my back when a hand suddenly tap at may shoulder. And because of that I quickly jump out of the bench.

"Whow Whow Whow ! Calm down lad !"

"Professor ?! Phew. I thought it was somebody else." I sat back at the bench.

"Somebody ... Who ?" He asked.

"I don't know. Ghosts ? Zombies ? Trolls ? Or maybe vampires ?" He didn't say anything. I was waiting for his reply but he was just looking at me directly in the eye.

Just then, he broke the silence between us.

"You believe in Vampires ?? Hahaha. Ow come on." He laugh.

"Uhmm. A little." I smiled. Feeling a little embarass from believing to some things that a college guy shouldn't believe.

"Well here's the thing Max....."

"PROFESSOR !!" Callum shouted holding a boquet of flowers.

The professor simply smiled at him.

"What happened ?" Callum look at Professor Johny as if they can read each others mind.

And for me who's beginning to look stupid, needed to do something.

"YOW ! What is going on ?" I snap out of them.

"It's getting dark, we need to get home already. We'll be going now prof." Callums face grew serious and he pulls me so I would follow him.

"Ahh. Oh okay. Goodbye professor." I wave at professor. He smiled at me and focus back . His eyes were busy scanning the places, the woods, the people walking by.

I turned my back at him and followed Callum. He's walking fast as if he's in a hurry. Hmmm. Somethings not right.


I just arrived home when I saw mom and dad in the garden.

"Yow !" I said as I went to them.

"Ow, don't Yow us young man. Hahaha." Mom laugh as I eagerly hugged them.

"Hey mom, dad, professor wants me to give to you." I gave them the letter.

"What is this honey ?" Mom stops from watering the flowers.

"No idea mom. Ow. Can I eat some of these cookies ?" Sitting down next to dad.

"Suit yourself son." Dad.

"Hmm. Let me see." Mom opens the letter.

"Whut doesh it shaysh mohhm ?" I asked with my mouth full of cookies.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full Max." Mom said using her famous strict tone.

"Shoooriii." I swallowed the cookies.

"Well, it says that well have a meeting. Hmm. Isn't it too early for a meeting ?" Dad asked mom.

"Yeah. I thought so too honey. I'll call my secretary first to ask if we have an assigned meeting tomorrow." Mom.

"Yes. Me too." They eventually call they're secretary's.

Ow. I still haven't tell you what my parents works are. We own two companies. Mom was the head in the other company and Dad was the head of the other one.

"I'm free tomorrow." Mom said happily. Dad was still talking to his secretary on the phone. Then he signaled "NO".

Mom read the letter again and her eyes glued on something. He sat beside dad and pointed something on the letter.

"LiLa, listen very carefully cancel all my appointments tomorrow I really need to attend something that is VERY important. Bye." Then he hung up.

"Whow. Why cancel the appointment suddenly dad ? And what is it that change your mind ?" I look at dad then to mom.

"We just realize that we shouldn't miss this first meeting." Mom said smiling.

"Is that so ? Uhmm. Okay then. I'm going up for now mom. Call me when its dinner time." I run upstairs.

I took a half bath and arrange my things. After that, I lay down in my bed. I remembered everything that happened today. It doesn't seem right. This day seems so so weird. Even the people around me have been acting weird.

Whoo. Maybe I'm just overreacting. What important is I survive the first day of my college life and manage to meet new friends. I close my eyes.

Suddenly, I remembered the scene when I caught Xanthe when she slipped. I automatically smiled. I remember her pretty face again. Her nose, her lips, her sparkling brown eyes. . . .

"Maaaaaaaaax !! Dinner Time!" Mom shouted. I came back to my sense.

"Coomiiiiing !!!" I shouted back.


[A/N: well well. How was that ? ^____^ did it turn out just fine ?

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WTH ?! I'm The Vampire Prince ?!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ