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    Three days before the wedding day, Helen had a disturbing dream about her sister. She dreamt that she and Hilda we're making sand castle. Hilda stood up and took Helen's hands and guided her into the water. It was too late when  Helen realized that the water was getting deeper and deeper. She tugged at Hilda's hands and screamed for them to go back to the shore but Hilda just stared at her with tears streaming down her cheeks. Just when the water  was about to reach above her neck, she woke up. Seconds passed before she realized that it was just a dream.
      She got the shock of her life though, for when she was about to get up and get a glass of water,she saw that her pajamas we're soaked with water and her pillow had sand all over them.
      Though she was upset by the dream, Helen was determined not to let anything Mar her wedding, so she put the dream at the back of her mind and busied herself with last minute preparations for her wedding.

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