short story

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Wait up! screamed Justin. My heart was beating out of my chest, my feet numb from the cold, rugged asphalt. No matter the pain, I will not be late to soccer practice. Soccer starts at 6 that's 30 minutes from now and i'm not even dressed.

5:50      Elizabeth! Wait up,  I never had time to tell you I had fun today. said Justin. I thought, I didn't know what to say, I had fun too, want to marry me? I couldn't tell him that it would ruin our friendship. Besides he would never date me though he is in to cheerleaders which are the complete opposite of me. Elizabeth? he said. Yeah, I sorta had fun. I said. LADIES!! TIME FOR PRATICE, FULL YARD SPRINT NOW! Coach said. As I ran I barely heard Justinsay I hope we can do this again.

School the next day. He babe. said Elizabeth's snoppy boyfriend. Hi. I said. All of a sudden I see 2 of my best friends being crushed in to a gross PE locker as small as me when I was 3 years old. I ran and some how got in to a fight. I would do anything for my best friends but in recent times I went a little to far.... maybe to get in detention with my best guy friend, or I felt like a bigger sister so I had to stand up. No matter how much I tried to explain, persuade,  had detention for a month. To top it off I have  one more strike I cant play the soccer regionals in 2 weeks.

As I walked home from school, me and David (my boyfriend) got into another fight! I want to break up with him but he is captain of the wrestling team. As he went down Washington Avenue, I kept straight of Kings street. As I looked up from my phone to see what time it was I saw my best guy friend  on the ground crying and seeing his girlfriend walk away laughing, I knew now would be a time to kill that girl but I had to comfort him. I mean he does that with me when Me and David get in fights, so I had too(My heart was now beating  out of control) Hey Justin! I said. not now Elizabeth. He said. I sat next to him, he put his head on my shoulder and started bawling. Even though I had tons of homework and soccer practice, I let him cry for 5 minutes. Afterwards he sat up and looked in to my ocean blue eyes and said I don't know what I would do without you, put his hand on my leg and he slowly kissed me on the cheek and said race you home! And while I ran I thought about him so much and I had a feeling he was too.

Elizabeth, you in lovveeeeee!! screamed my 8 year old baby sister. No i'm not! I was being a friend when my friend was hurt! I insisted. That last word woke up my evil stepdad, he gets so mad because when my mom is gone he says when I drinkin' you not wakin' me up. I know I don't get it either but right now is a great time to go get him another beer. Sadly yes that's what I do to make him happy.

To Elizabeth: Why u do this?

To Justin: Do wht?

To Elizabeth: u told everyone I broke up with Jess, and im going 2 go out with u

To Justin: no I didn't. have u noticed I not a cool kid

To Elizabeth: Whatever, don't text me again. yester day was a sad moment don't take thingz so seriously.

                       * Justin offline, Justin unfriended you

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