The Beginning of Something New

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I got slammed into the wall with a ringing in my head. I slowly fell to the ground with my back still against the wall, I dropped the bat in my hand and closed my eyes slowly breathing.

"You're just going to give up that fast? Wouldn't be surprised...but don't be ashamed I've seen worst than you- which is sad.." Phyrra said.

I rubbed my forehead and felt a wet spot starting to slowly crawl down my nose. Blood. I got up and picked up the bat feeling dizzy and drifting to each side. I grabbed the bat with my hands as hard as I could and sprinted up to her.

I swung the bat up aiming for her jaw like a sniper aiming for a bulls eye in a target. Right when I thought I was going to knock her out, she grabbed onto the bat without even having eye to eye contact with me.

"Wha.." I gasped, she smirked at me looking at the sky.

She twisted my arm around dislocating it, I let out a long painful scream, she kicked my stomach sending me back 4 feet away into the wall I recently slammed my head into. When I looked up I saw the bat come flying towards me.

I quickly ducked down and covered my head.

"What the heck is wrong with you!" I said when I got up- the wind was blowing my deep brown long hair forwards in front of my face making my yellow eyes watery. She just stood there, soon enough she walked away.

"Err...." I said under my breath- I sprinted towards her and leaned back skinning the ground knocking her off the ground collapsing to the ground.

I got up and looked back, she just got up and walked the other way. I dusted my white skirt and black polo school shirt and walked towards her.

"Where do you think your going!" I screamed at her, she finally came to a stop and turned her head. I saw her eye was red and when she blinked they turned purple again. What the.

"It's time for class." She said, her voice echoed in her throat and she had a soft voice. As she walked away she put her blondish whitish hair into a ponytail. She's right it's time for class.

                                                                        An hour later

"Where were you today Mrs. Takiyana." I looked up seeing the principle in front of my desk in history class. How long was I gone? Felt like only 10 minutes fighting Phyrra.

"I went home." I said panicking. I can't stand her burning look it's like knives are chasing me down a endless hall of darkness.

"Why'd you go home during school..." She crossed her arms slanting her head to the side.

"My mom- is sick. She has strep, and I went to go help her because she was having trouble getting out of bed- I'm sorry it's ju-"

The principal cut me off, "Late again and there will be a punishment." She barked. As she left the room I noticed her pants were on backwards.

"Gross." I murmured.

When the bell rang I got up and grabbed my books, I walked out the door and there I saw Phyrra just standing still.

Hate that girl. Hate that girl. Hate that girl. Hate that girl.

                                                                    After school (4 hours later)

As I walked home a screeching noise came towards me, I spinned around and saw a semi truck hurling towards me on fire.

"Holy crap!" I shouted screaming my lungs out. The truck hit me and the rest of the trees behind me. The truck, trees, and I when tumbling down the hill like a ball rolling constantly in the air after punting it.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 24, 2012 ⏰

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The Beginning of Something Newजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें