What does that even mean?

"Okay, bye then." I spoke slowly.

I was walking toward the door when Anna's voice called me with a smile,"Hey Jade. I know you'll be able to make my little brother happy again. Just like always." and she went inside.

Huh? What was the meaning behind her words? 'Like always'? Like when?

I finally found Ryan's apartment but when I was about to enter in, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry dear." the guy I bumped into with said. He looked really good in his suit and tie. He had black hair and was really tall but with a lean figure. 

"I am sorry. I was not watching where I am going." I said.

"It's my fault. I hope you're fine." he said with a smile.

"Yes, I am. Thanks."

"Great then. Nice to meet you by the way. I am Dan." he said.

"Nice meeting you too Dan, I am Jade." I replied.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face and his eyes sparkled,"That's surely you. Whatever I've ever heard about you, that's true." and he walked away befor waving at me.

Okay, what did a complete but handsome stranger have heard about me?

This day is weird.

"Why are you here?" a familiar voice called.

I turned my head in his direction and saw a tired Ryan standing in his white t-shirt and loose jeans but those red eyes and sad face was still there.

This guy can manage to look sexy in these loose and lanky clothes as well.

It was getting harder to look at his depressed face.

"I came to  meet you." I chirped.

"Why?" he asked. I could feel the irritation in his voice that was definetely because of me.

Good job Jade.

"Because 'It's Christmas time'." I sang.

"Go home and celebrate it with your family, not with me." he said and tunred to his door.

"I don't have a family." I said.

He turned to me with narrowed eyes. I said,"No seriously, I don't have my family right now bacause they're all busy with their work and I being the most idle one is here to celebrate my precious day with you. Mister Badboy."

He left out a dry chuckle and said with crossed arms, leaning on his doorside,"Badboy?"

"Yeah, that's what people call you." I said bluntly.

"Still, go to your friends then." he said. Nooo! They're busy too! Damn, I am really very idle today!

"But you're my friend too, right?" I said softly which made him to turn a little soft. Aww, I really want to hug him right now. His hugs are really warm and soft though. It felt so nice when I hugged him. So complete. So, familiar.

I pouted at him and pulled out my puppy dog eyes. I went to him and grabbed his arm and start to pull it,"Please come with me. I am all alone."

He chuckled and then without I could know, I was pressed on the wall with Ryan facing me, really close. Not like I am complaining.

Wow! He looks even more good looking from closer.

He took a step closer with his hands on both of my side and steady eyes,"Are you that desperate to spend time with me Rasberry?"

"What? No!" I stammered.

"I know you're." he smirked. Mood swing much? A moment before, he looked so fragile and like a lost puppy that I even wanted to hug him. But now, I look more like a puppy.

He came even closer that our lips were a inch away from touching. Ahh, it's getting heated up here.

I could feel him coming even closer when we were interrupted by the sound of throat clearing.

Ryan pulled away quickly and I saw an angry old lady standing in front of us, looking angry.

"You know, kids live here too. Be decent. Go into your bedroom." she scolded.

So embarrasing!

A blush creeped on my cheeks after she said those words. I looked at Ryan who was being scolded by the lady. He had his head down, listening to her words.

I chuckled a little at how cute and adorable he looked. He looked at me and passed a death glance that made me to chuckle even more. But by my unfortunate fate, the lady now faced me.

"But you know what, you two make a cute couple." she said and smiled widely.

She begin to walk again but then said something that made me blush again,"Use protection kids."

We both looked at each other and then laughed.

"Better leave now." I said.

"Sure." he replied between his laughs.

This is going to be fun! I guess! 


Sorry for the delay. School and studies! :((

I was going to make it even bigger but then I decided to pull this Christmas thing into two chapters!

So, there's another chapter about Rade's Christmas! Aww! :)

Jade's outfit on the side --->

Hope you liked it!

Don't forget to:




Pairing Up The Devil (Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ