The Tale of Two Ninja

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"My old friend Emerald. We trained at the academy together, and became close. He's definitely worthy of coming and helping us." Sapphire said.

Howard and Randy nodded.

(Later that day)

Sapphire stood outside the cave. The snowy wind blew her hair across her face.

"Sapphire!" Someone called from above.

Sapphire turned and looked up.

"Emerald." She smiled.

Emerald jumped down from the ledge he stood on. Sapphire wrapped Emerald in her arms.

"Its been forever.How ya been since I've been gone?" Sapphire asked.

"Well, since you've been gone I've been working for the academy." Emerald said as his slightly dirty blonde hair blew in his face from the wind.

"Come on, lets step inside, I want you to meet the ninja and his ally, Howard." Sapphire grabbed Emeralds hand.

Emerald rubbed the snow out of his hair, and his shattering green eyes looked around. "So this is the ninja, and shinobi hideout?" Emerald flashed a smile.

Sapphire brought Emerald a cup of hot chocolate. "Yeah. It's not much, but it's home."

"I like it." Emerald said, as Sapphire sat at the table with him. "So when am i going to meet your friends?" Emerald asked.

"Whenever you feel like it." Sapphire said as Emerald.

"Why not now?" Emerald said taking a sip of his drink.

"Alright." Sapphire smiled and walked back to the other two boy's rooms.

"Howard, randy!" Sapphire yelled. 

Howard and Randy both stepped out of their rooms. "Yeah?" Randy asked.

 "Emerald is here, and he wants to meet you." Sapphire said.

"Um, alright." Howard said.

They walked to the kitchen part of the cave, where Emerald sat smirking. Sapphire sat down next to him, and the two boys sat across from Sapphire and Emerald.

"This is Emerald. My old friend from the academy." Sapphire grinned.

Emerald flashed his eyes at the boys. "I'm Emerald Tychi, the second in running to be the shinobi. You must be the ninja and the sidekick, Randy and Howard. Sapphire told me about you two, and said she told you about the Tale of the Two Ninja. I'm glad you both understand." Emerald looked over at Sapphire. "Now, to tell you a little bit about myself. I was second in running for the shinobi roll. Of course Sapphire was more talented and skilled than me. I've known Sapphire since we were 7 years old, when our training first began. But, we weren't friends right away. In fact we couldn't stand each other when we first met. We were always competing, and arguing with each other. But, it wasn't until she saved my life, we became friends." Emerald smiled with his eyes closed.

"How did she save you?" Howard asked.

"Well it was when the school caught on fire, I got trapped in some rubble. The smoke was to thick for me to break, and I passed out. I would have died if it weren't for Sapphire coming to save me. I woke up with her laying her head on my hospital bed. And when she saw I woke up, she had tears in her eyes because she was so happy I was awake. Since that day, her and I have been good friends." Emerald tapped his fingers on the table.

"That's amazing. Seeing two enemies like that getting over their differences just to save each other." Randy smiled.

"Yeah." Emerald brushed his hair out of his face.


Emerald walked past Sapphire's room, and found her sound asleep in her bed. He closed the door, and knocked on Randy's door. Randy opened the door, and smiled at the boy.

"Emerald, what's up?" Randy greeted.

"May I speak with you?" Emerald asked.

Randy nodded. Emerald lead him to a door, and he opened it. They walked out onto the balcony; snow crunching beneath their feet. It had stopped snowing, and the wind had died down. Emerald leaned on the railing.

"Before you say anything, can I ask you a question?" Randy asked.

"You just did, but sure." Emerald looked over at him.

"What's your relationship with Sapphire?" Randy asked.

"Close friends. Why?" Emerald stood straight up.

"Because you're a good looking guy and she's a pretty girl, and the way she acts around you." Randy explained.

"No, we're just friends. But any way; has Sapphire told you yet?" Emerald asked.

"Told me what?" Randy became confused.

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but you need to know. You see Sapphire isn't a normal person. She's not exactly, human. More like half human." Emerald rubbed the back of his head, as Randy cocked his head in a confused matter. "She's a demon. Well half demon. You see, the only time the demon in her is released is when she become angry, threatened, scared, or when her hair turns completely red. Well, when her hair becomes completely red, all the evil inside her is released. She becomes her full demon form, and will destroy, and kill anything, or anyone. I'm the only one who can control her when she is in this state, and if and when that does happen. Don't get near her. I know you'll want to help, but she will slaughter you if you get near her during that." Emerald clenched his fists.

"Why are you telling me this?" Randy asked.

"So you are prepared for her wrath."

The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu