What happened?

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I'm so fucking sorry I haven't updated in a month, I been busy with school, and my life... my boyfriend don't know I'm bisexual all my friends know, it was hard telling them it tho but I don't know if I should tell him, or how too.... I need help should I tell him or not?, and how? Can u guys help me...pl

Thx if you can but enjoy the story im gonna do povs in it for the first time ok it might be horable ok so i warned you😆😘

I don't know what happened to me i blacked out.....all I see is darkness but I hear something its sounds...it sounds like my name but who is it?

Nialls POV

Me: haha thanks im gonna fuck mr.tiddies too night!!!

Liam: eww no niall

Me: haha I'm kidding li I'll just cuddle with him

Liam: oh thank god, just get the hell out of my room

Me: whoa ok I'm leaving

Liam had gave me the look and I just laughed and walk out of his room I heard him slam his door"well damn I was joking about fucking his stuff-bear" I just walked to my room but than I came by y/n room so I decided to go and check on her, I went in her room and didn't see her on her bed so I thought she was in the bath room so I knocked on the door and said her name "y/n? Are you in there?" I kelp calling her name and she didn't answer so I opened the door and seen her on the floor I seen blood on her rist, I quickly ran over to her..."she's knocked out" I said whispering to my self, I quickly went and picked her up carefully and put her on her bed I went back in the bath room and got some badage and a wet cloth to clean up her cut and fix her up.

After a few minutes I was done I try calling her name "y/n,y/n wake up please,y/n! I seen her moving a little I called her name a little louder and shaking her......than she woke up!

Y/n: what the hell happened? She said

Me: you passed out

Y/n: omg how she said and than she looked at her arm

Y/n: oh...

Me: y/n why didn't you tell me you cut?!

Y/n: look niall im sorry, I don't know how to stop ni it helps

Me: what in the hell do you mean it helps... Y/n it doesn't help you just makes it worst

Y/n: no niall it does

Me: what does it help with?


I could tell she was thinking weather to tell me or not, I really do want her to tell me I want to help her

Me: come on y/n you can trust me

She smiled at me

Y/n: ok, well I been cutting for weeks now....I don't know why but it helps with the pain and hate I get

Me: what do u mean pain and hate, we all love you y/n, we dont hate you

Y/n: ni I know you guys love me, its just that I really like lou and he's dating Danielle and that bitch just hurts me ni she hurts me! She said with tears in her eyes

Me: omg y/n what do you mean she hurts your... U mean Danielle?

Y/n: yeah her, she calls me a slut, a ugly one...she says louis will never love a ugly slut like me

Me: y/n don't Liston to her I never did like her I knew she was bad news

Y/n: the worst thing is that....

Me: what is it

Y/n: it true.

It broke my heart hearing her say that about herself.

Me: y/n that's not true, your the most hottest girl in the world don't Liston to Danielle she's just jealous because she knows that lou loves you more that her and she's just afirad to admit it

Y/n: really she says smiling

Me: really. I said attacking her in kiss all over her face and she just giggles and laughs

Y/n: hahaha ni stop haha she said between laughs

Me: never!!!!

Y/n: please hahaha I can't hahaha breath haha

Me: hahehe fine and I stopped

Y/n: thanks

Me: welcome, now my cute little puppy. I said and she giggles

Y/n: hehe what?

Me: go and get a shower and take a nap

Y/n: are you saying I stink? She says with a smirk on her face

Me: what? No why would I say that

Y/n: I'm playing with ya

Me: hehe I knew, how about you just relax, and no more cutting I say walking to the door

Y/n: haha don't worry I try not to

Me: ok I'll talk to ya later babe

Y/n: ok bye ni

And I left and went to my room to think about what y/n said, before I knew it I was knocked out sleeping


After the talk with niall I went in the bathroom and took a shower after about 20-30 min I got out rapped a towel around me and went to my mirror in my bathroom I looked at myself I smiled and I said " hahha look you are pretty y/n you always were". Than I went and got my blow dryer out and dried my hair, then I seen it the razor I stared at it for a long time the words talked to me again "cut,cut just cut everything will be fine it will all go away" and I said "No! It wont it never worked it never will so stop and shut the hell up"! I threw the razor away...everything that I could of cut with I threw it away, after I was done I was happy "its time for a new life without razors." I said with a smile and I walked out of the bathroom, I jumped into bed and fell asleep with a smile on face!😀

Yas I hope ya like it because I did it was fun haha it was my first time doing pov's so I hope ya liked it, it waz kind of hard doing it bc I had to put a lot detail's in it, I think its crappy😕 idk but I think I kind of did a good job,if you like it than that's you...and remember comment💬 what ya think will happen next, tell me what ya think💭....also vote👍, comment💬 and follow if ya didn't ok have a amaZAYN!!!!! Day/night!!!!!

Bye my cute little puppies🐕 haha

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