Chapter 1

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***************************************************************************************************************Let me know if you guys think I should continue writing this story, and we'll see which way it goes. By the way, yes, I deleted my other stories for personal reasons. Happy Holidays. xo


2 Years Later

Hattie's POV

I walked through the wooden green doors of my wretched high school, the first day of senior year. My hair still down my back. Senior year. It seems like just yeaterday we were all decked out in our school spirit sweatpants and jackets, staying dangerously close to the lockers in fear of any seniors looking to beat up any freshman.

I put my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt and headed toward a small group of three girls leaning across the lockers. I walked over, straight through the middle of the hall with my head held high and stood in front of them with my hands on my hips, a serious expression on my face.

They stared back at me with the same serious tone. I was the first one to break.

A huge smile spread across my face and we broke into laughter, pulling each other into embraces.

"I missed you guys so much" I smiled.

"I think we can all agree with H" Megs smiled and elbowed me gently in the stomach.

We laughed and went in for another hug. I pulled away when I heard the sound of a locker closing so harshly, almost as if someone was thrown against it. My guess was correct, because there he was, River Landings, pressed up against the locker, the collar of his shirt held by some fat senior that I didn't recognize.

I gasped, and my whole head was filled with hatred. I stomped over to the scene of the disruption and before anyone took notice in what I was doing, I punched the fat kid straight in the nose, causing him to release River. I took a closer look at him and he wore sunglasses, covering his eyes. Just like last year.

"River" I spoke, but my voice sounded strained. He smashed his fist against the locker and stormed off, leaving the people in the hallway frozen in fear. What did I just do.

Meg rushed over to me.

"You can't do that H! He- he'll kill you!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me back to Rosie and Lacey.

I was completely and utterly confused.


After the crash, River had been in the hospital for about two months. He had gone blind.

And the man he was with was dead.

So, to sum it up, River had lost his eyesight, and a man who he barely knew.

The sad part is, none of his friends spoke to him after that. He still sits in their usual spot, but they don't join him.


After all the drama before school, the bell finally rang and I walked about two feet to get to my first class.

Physics, great. I walked into class to find River sitting in the back, at a table alone. Seeing we were the only two in there, I sat down next to him, and saw his hand tense up when he felt my presence.

"Hi River" I said, focusing on his eyes underneath his glasses.

He said nothing, just fiddling with his pencil, his mouth in a straight line.

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