Chapter one

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     Shapeshifters are jerks. Today I was hunting one and well it was like hunting myself. He knew all my moves, childhood, and everything I had ever thought about he knew... Or is it I knew? Whatever.
     The shifter I fought was in Las Vegas, Nevada framing a man by the name of Donald realad. He killed his wife, only daughter, and his mother. Brutal right? This time I had a few complications killing the shifter. Two idiots were hunting it as well. The famous Sam and Dean Winchester. People told me they met God, killed Lucifer, and discovered Angels. They were different then what I was told but a good different. Now let's get into the story before I start to ramble.
     Has slaughtered three girls are ready. Sisters to be exact. Only one remained, Ashley realad.
" D-dont hurt me... Please," I heard Ashley plead. I was on the other side if the door waiting for her signal. It was all part of the plan. We would let her get captured so I could find the shifters layer.
" Shhh... No need to worry. It won't hurt for long," his voice was soothing as if he were talking to a child.
"Ahhh!" She screamed, but I didn't move. We had agreed on that.
" Do you want to come out now? I can hear the thumping of your heart," The voice was now female, my voice," Your little friend here already tried to call out. To bad she cant scream anymore!"
     I stepped out only to see the shifter was right. In the chair was Ashlie, her throat slit and still bleeding.
     In anger I pulled out a gun loaded with silver bullets.
" Do it!" She smiled. Then She grunted and pealed away her skin. Two seconds later it had taken the form of of younger brother, Archer. He had died four years ago when our fauthrr took us to the Planetarium. A werewolf had been there and attached him riping his heart out.
     Tears stared to flow from my eyes and I heard a shot fire. My brother fell to the floor with a thud.
" Are you ok?" The tall one came to me. I don't know why but I fell in to his arms, a total stranger, and started to cry. Then a second man came.
" Who is she?" He asked.
" S-sorry..." I pulled myself together," I'm Lo. Who are you?"
" Sam and thats my brother Dean," Sam said. My heart started to race.
" Your the Winchester boys!"
" Yeah. Anyway we should probably get out of here. A old, broken down house isn't the best place to meet. Come on Sammy," Dean beckoned.
" It's Sam," His brother yelled in frustration and offered his hand to me. I took it and we went up and out of the basement.
" So what were you doing down there?" Asked Dean when we made it out front.
" I think you can figure that out for yourself," I said.
" Your a Hunter?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow.
" Well I'm not Surlock Holmes."
Sam sighed," you should have been more careful. If we hadn't showed up you might be dead right now."
" Speaking of why did you freeze up? Any Hunter would know that's not a good idea," Dean said after reaching into a quite nice 67 Chevy Impala (nothing compared to mine) and pulling out a beer.
" I know that. I've been hunting all my life its just... Well it's none of your business that's what it is," My sensible side kicked in. Why was I telling two total strangers, even if they were famous, about my life?
" What?" Sam said taken by surprise.
" Hope you two have a good night. Now if you excuse me I need to go. Bye!" I smiled and started to make my way back to the back if the building where my car was.
" Wait!" Sam ran at my heals which was actually more of walking to him seeing how tall he was," Do you think we could have your number? Just in case you need us?" By this time Dean was in his Impala listening to , Night Moves by Bob Seger.
" Fine. But don't expect a call from me," I huffed, " got a pen?"

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