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Hi! Welcome to my book!! My name is Ella. Thanks for checking this book out! So some things you should know before reading:

Some of these might contain smut.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I haven't decided if I'm going to write any yet, but If I do, I will always put a warning up before a smut chapter in case you do not want to read the nasty

I will take requests and ideas so if you have a certain topic or an idea for a story that you want me to write, just leave it in the comments and I will write it.

And some abbreviations:
•a/n means authors note; that's just a little note I might write to you guys. I will always make authors notes in bold so it will be easier to tell
•y/n means your name
•y/l/n means your last name.
•y/f/n means your friends name (for some imagines I may make up a friend that already has a name, but usually I'll let you put your own friends name)
•y/f/c means your favorite color
•y/f/r means your favorite restaurant

I think that's all the substitutions I will use. if I use a different one I will put the meaning at the beginning of the story.

I think that's it! I'll upload the first imagine tomorrow. Again, thanks for reading!

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