Who wants another book?

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Hey, who wants a book? Like I'm seeing that I have a lot of views on this book soooooooo why not!? Right? Tell me and I'll do it...I'm also thinking about doing something fun every week. Like a truth or dare....or a Q&A. Give me ideas and I might do it.
And if you haven't I suggest you go read my first book which is about Zen and Shirayuki so check it out...by you don't have to, but I would love it if u do. But that's doesn't mean you should.😉

So if you have seen "Snow White With The Red Hair" you should know about thw episode that Shirayuki gets drunk, my favorite episode

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So if you have seen "Snow White With The Red Hair" you should know about thw episode that Shirayuki gets drunk, my favorite episode. But that's the episode when Obi is officaly made her "bodyguard" and has to watch over her until she sobers up. It's so funny...but this is both Shirayuki and Zen.

😞I wonder what they were doing for THIS to happen....😆. I also feel very bad for Obi......HAHAHHA SIKKEEE!!! OBI'S A TREEEEEEE!!!


ZenyukiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora