Chapter Eight

Começar do início

Nodding as she listened to Isaac talk Liz frowned more. Not only was Zac dating someone else but he wasn't even that far away from her now. Looking down she felt her heart shatter to shreds. She knew what house Isaac was referring too. It was the street over from her own. "I'm pregnant," she said deciding to be blunt.

Going silent at Liz's next words Isaac sat there silent for what seemed like forever, "Do you know who the father is?" he asked stunned still by her news.

"The doctor said that from the calculations of my last period she would say I conceived a week before the day I had sex with Zac and Taylor both," Liz said as she shrugged. She was sure Isaac knew about what she had done. "That would make Zac the father."

Going silent again Isaac felt his widen as he took in everything. "Wow," he muttered softly. He really hadn't been expecting this from today. Finding out that Zac was expecting a child.

Looking over at Isaac, Liz bit her lip again, "I don't know what to do Isaac. He doesn't want to see me again," she said her eyes looking away from Isaac's. "And you said he's moved on."

"Just because he has moved on doesn't mean shit when it comes to his child," Isaac said as he looked at Liz. "And he may have said for you not to contact him again but he needs to know about this," Isaac sighed. Zac did deserve to know about this child. "He needs to know."

Nodding Liz stood up, "Thanks," she said smiling at him. She knew he was right. Zac did need to know. She had kept one secret from him and she knew how that had turned out. It had been horrible. Leaving the porch she went back to her car and she soon drove off.

Isaac watched Liz leave and he shook his head. He hoped whatever happened went well. There was a baby on the way that would more than likely change things for everyone.
Parking her car outside of Fiona's house Liz took a deep breath before getting out of her car. Closing her eyes she walked up the driveway and onto the porch. She was trying to compose herself. Taking one more deep breath she raised her hand and knocked on the door three times before waiting on an answer. Looking up when she heard the door open she bit her lip coming face to face with a dark haired girl. "Is Zac here?" she asked as she felt her heart beat start to beat faster in her chest.

After answering the door Fiona looked at the woman standing there. She knew who the woman was.She knew it was the woman Zac had been with before her. The one who had hurt him. "If he is it's none of your business," Fiona said as she crossed her arms. She could hear Zac coming down the stairs and turning her head she looked at him. She also knew Liz could see him.

At Fiona's words Liz sighed. She knew Fiona was right. She had no business knowing if Zac was here or not. Hearing footsteps coming from somewhere behind Fiona, Liz felt her breath catch as she saw Zac when Fiona turned her head to look at him.

Zac who had come downstairs was about to ask Fiona who was at the door but when she turned her head to look at him he saw who was at the door. Liz was at the door. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair. He knew someone in his family must have told her he was here. He had deliberately been parking his truck in the garage, "What do you want?" he asked his voice harsh.

Fiona moved some after Zac spoke to Liz though she only moved enough so that Liz could see Zac better. She wasn't about to let Liz into her house. She wasn't going to let Liz come in and ruin things. Ruin Zac's happiness again.

When Zac spoke to her Liz cringed at his harsh tone though she didn't blame him. If she had been him she would have been harsh as well, "I don't really want to talk in front of her," she said as she looked at Fiona. She wanted this conversation to be between her and Zac only.

Laughing some Zac looked at Liz as he walked closer to the door, "Elizabeth she is my girlfriend now so I think whatever you say to me she deserves to know as well. Unlike you I refuse to keep secrets from someone that I care about."

Smiling as Zac talked Fiona crossed her arms. She was glad that Zac felt the way he did. She was glad that Zac didn't want secrets between them.

Closing her eyes Liz sighed, "Fine," she said shaking her head. "I'm pregnant and before you even ask it's your baby," she said as she looked down. "The doctor said given my last period she would say by her calculations I conceived a week before I cheated."

Going at pale at Liz's words Zac stood there as he tried to think of something, anything to say. Looking at Fiona he moved past her and walked onto the porch with Liz. Looking her over he sighed. She was pregnant. Three months more than likely, "A baby," he said after awhile.

Seeing Zac go out on the porch Fiona who was stunned by the new slowly shut the door. She knew this wasn't any of her business right now.

When Zac came out on the porch Liz nodded when he said a baby, "Our baby," she said as she chewed on her lip. She and Zac had made a baby. They had made something that was half of both of them.

Smiling some when Liz had said our baby Zac looked at her and pulled her into a hug. They were having a baby. It was when everything finally sank in for him. Yeah he was pissed at her but that no longer mattered. The child inside of her is what mattered.

Don't Close Your EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora