My breathing grew ragged and my chest felt as if it was going to collapse from the pressure it was undergoing as I kept running through the pain, not caring if I hurt myself. Sweat dripped off of me, not that I cared. All my mind could process was the thought of Melissa in danger and being able to find her.

As I followed the path, the reddish brown bricks became more and more familiar. Glass skylines filled the sky as I came closer to the center of the urban downtown. It seemed odd that no one was out at this time of night, but my mind didn't pay attention to that observation as my feet slowed gradually.

Dejavu hit me like a truck as I saw the familiar street corner sign that I could never forget. It was a simple bar and grill sign, but it was the memories behind it that sent my mind into overdrive as my legs suddenly moved forward, more fearful than before I had seen it. Images of my younger sister's body lying in front of me haunted me as I continued running.

My young, chubby frame tried to run to her side only to find that she was too far gone to be saved. The unforgettable sound of a gunshot still rang in my ears as I remembered the slick feel of the cool metal against my finger and the slight tension pressed against my finger as I pulled the trigger. Feelings of the kickback still riddled my arm despite having fired millions of firearms since. Guards shouting after me as I ran away from them and their dead comrade who was lying in the middle of the alleyway, a suitable distance from Cynthia's body.

When my feet finally brought me to the alleyway where Cynthia's body had been left, my eyes met with those of a soldier. The scene was familiar to me, the only thing changed was the fact that Melissa was here and instead of her body being behind mine, like Cynthia's had been, it was pressed against the soldier's, her back to his chest. One of his arms wrestled her neck, holding her steady against him, while the other held a pistol to her head. Her arms held the secured arm around her neck, trying her best to move away. This only caused the soldier's arm to tighten his choke hold on her and press the pistol to her neck harder, causing her to whimper from the thought of her impending death.

"Look who finally made it Melissa," the brunette snarled, his slight scruff scratching her porcelain face like only mine was allowed to do. "Luke is finally here to save you darling." His voice was like nails on a chalkboard, but serene at the same time. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought that he was mentally unstable.

Melissa's eyes connected with mine, lighting up with fear as she saw the gun turn from her towards my body. "Luke!" her tired voice screamed, tears falling down her cheeks as her raspy voice echoed in my ears. "Luke, run!"

Her voice, although it was telling me to go, was somehow pleading for me to stay in the undertones. It was as if all that she said, she didn't mean. Despite this, her hands still shook in fear as she continuously shifted, trying to get away from the maniac man, only to whimper when her attempts failed.

"I think you should listen to your girlfriend Lukey," the brunette challenged with eyes glinting of happiness. His entire being made me rethink my first conclusions about him. Maybe he wasn't a soldier, maybe he was actually crazy and there was a danger beyond my capabilities here.

My heart increased in speed as the gun suddenly moved back to Melissa's head, causing her to let out another ear piercing cry. "Wait!" I shouted, beginning to beg for the shooter to redirect the gun. "We can work out a deal," I projected my voice down the street, taking a tiny step forward.

As I crept closer the man began to feel uneasy and back away, shouting for me to stop where I was. Of course, I respected his wishes, catching a better glimpse of Melissa. Her cheeks were cut up badly, lower lip open, left eye blackened, and clothing slightly torn and battered from an obvious fight she had put up to him. I felt a swell of pride as I stared at her, knowing she defended herself until her body finally shut down and could take no more.

Decipher | Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now