Beach?!(part 2.)

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The photo above is your younger sister
{your p.o.v}
Everyone was either in the water or tanning. Vylad was laying next to me so I asked him a question "hey Vylad can you put some sunscreen on my back?"I could tell I was blushing he just nodded so I turned around and moved my hair out of the way when he put his cold hands on my back smothering it in sunscreen I let out a small shiver, I looked around and saw tamot--Garroth putting sunscreen on Skyes back she was blushing so hard  after Vylad was finished he asked me if I could rub sunscreen on his back I nodded blushing so hard so was Vylad. After I finished I remembered something I saw Kirsty walking up to me "hey umm Kirsty my parents and Layla are coming to stay for a bit" she let out a fangirly scream our friends came running over to only see Kirsty spazzing out "what happened?"aphmau asked I let out a small laugh "I told her Layla and my parents are coming over"then Skye joined Kirsty fangirling "well who's this Layla?"Vylad asked so I got out my phone and showed them a photo of her(^-^-^-^-^)all the girls are now spazzing out fangirling over her then a life guard came over to us "what's going on?"I showed him a photo and he started spazzing out then he got up and said "I'm sorry but you and your friends have to leave" Jake grabbed Kirsty, Garroth grabbed Skye, Aaron grabbed aphmau, travis grabbed Katelyn, the ace guy grabbed scarlet and Dante grabbed Kawaii-chan we grabbed our stuff and walked to the cars...
{Vylads, p.o.v}
When we got to mystreet, we all went home after I showered, I got a text from
{hey you know how I said my family is coming over?
Well Kirsty showed them a picture...
Of you rubbing sunscreen on my back...
My dad is going to kill you, and my mum is fangirling...
Oh and they think we're dating...?
Pretty much they also want to meet you..
I'll be over in 5}
I walked to the door, opened it and stepped out locked it behind me. I started to walk to (y/n), Skye and Kirsty's house I saw a black BMW and Jake and Kirsty walking out of the house they looked at me and waved. I waved back and smiled I walked up to the door and knocked a older women with short (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes opened the door she smiled and pulled me in the house I saw a girl with orange hair with a faint blush and blue eyes and a man with orange hair and blue eyes "oh (y/n) he's a keeper"the lady who I'm guessing Is her mother said we blushed a light pink "umm you s-see mum w-we a-are just f-friends"(y/n) said her father looked at me with cold eyes "ahh your a Ro'Meave,"he said I sent him a confusing look "I'm a friend of Garte, he's told me about you and your brothers"he said then he got up from the couch and walked over to me and said "Alexandra (y/n)'s father"he held out his hand so I took it "Vylad,"we shook hands then her little sister came to me "hiya I'm Layla!!"I went down on my knees and said "I'm Vylad a friend of your sister"I went to shake her hand but she gave me a hug I was shocked but soon hugged back  she pulled back and smiled at me I smiled back and stood up, her mother came up to me and said "I'm Lisa nice to meet you Vylad!"she smiled I smiled back and said "likewise"then Alexandra said "your mother and I are going out for a bit can you please watch Layla?"(y/n) just nodded Alexandra and Lisa left, "you wanna watch your favourite show Layla?"I swear I saw stars in Layla's eyes she was jumping up and down "okay sit on the couch for me, hey Vylad can you put my little horses on for her please while I get popcorn"she asked/said I smiled and nodded she smiled back and left to get the popcorn I walked to the couch turned on Netflix and put on MLH for Layla when (y/n) came back she gave the popcorn to Layla and sat next to me "wanna play 20 questions?"I asked she looked at me and nodded "I'll go first, what's your fave colour?"I asked her "(f/c), what's your fave colour?"she asked "green, hmm do you have any other siblings other than Layla?"I asked her''I've got an older brother, his name is max he had orange hair and (e/c) eyes." I nodded saying that I'm listening"did you have any childhood pets?" I nodded and said "Yeah we had a hamster, have you had a boyfriend before?"she looked like she was gonna cry so I wrapped my arms around her she just cried into my chest I could hear her mumbling things like  "cheating jerk...." Or "stupid 2 timer..." I heard clicks I looked up and saw Kawaii-chan, aphmau and Skye taking photos of (y/n) and me hugging and I saw Layla hugging Skyes legs then her parents walked in (y/n) pulled away blushing "I'm sorry Vylad..."she mumbled and then walked to her parents Skye following "hello Mr, Mrs (l/n)!"Skye said Lisa gave Skye a biiiig hug so did Alexandra then Kirsty and Jake walked in "well glad we got an invitation to a party going on in my house..." Everyone's heads jerked over to them "KIRSTY!!"Lisa screamed. And gave Kirsty a biiiig hug so did Alexandra "hey Alex Lisa, good to see you guys"...Alexandra and Lisa smiled "good to see you too chick"Alexandra said ruffling her hair Kirsty stuck out her bottom lip "hey I'm Jake you must be (y/n)'s parents and younger sister it's nice to meet you"Jake said sticking his hand out "Alexandra, nice to meet you Jake"he said shaking his hand "nice to meet you to Jake I'm Lisa"lisa said giving him a hug''now what's your relationship with my daughters best friend?"Alexandra questioned "boyfriend"..he said like there no care in the world.."you take care of her Jake she's a tuff one...." Lisa said smiling shedding a tear for an unknown reason "oh my Irene...,I remember when you girl used to come over and play games and have little pillow fights... Oh and that time when you girls were in kindergarten Kirsty broke a boys nose when he was bulling Skye... Oh you girls have grown so much...!"Skye, Kirsty and (y/n) all hugged Lisa.....
Sorry I never updated yesterday I was busy, any way I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't really have anything to say so goodbye
Auother-Sama out

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