The One With the Recycling

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"Donald." Tasha hissed at her new husband. "Zadie, please don't cry; you never cry."

"So can we..." Leo started.

"No." Davenport immediately said. Just then Delta started to fake cry.

"Delta, don't you cry too." Tasha comforted.

"But what if they..." Leo started once again.

"No." Davenport said sternly.

"Well can they..." Delta started.


"Well don't you think they should..." Leo started.

"Forget it."

"How about they..." Delta began.

"Not gonna happen."

"Do you have a heart?" I sobbed. still in the act. He just slammed the door.

"Well, what if you?" Then davenport covered his ears and started singing 'lala' over and over again.

When we got down to the lab, Leo got the three's hopes up by saying, "Well, I'm pretty sure he's gonna think about it."


Leo, Delta, and I were hanging out in Leo's room. He was on the chair, while Delta and I were on the floor.

"Leo, Delta, Zadie, there you guys are! I know you're sad about your friends leaving, but think of all the times you'll get to spend with me." Tasha said. "Ooh, we can play your little video games; you know the one where you hold the thingy and you move the other thingy."

"Tasha...I've taught you how to play video games before." I sighed.

"Mom, with all due respect, I think it's too late in life for you to relearn how to play video games." Leo said. We just looked at her sadly. We decided to go into the living room, but we just saw a figure covered by a brown blanket.

"Good morning happy family!" Davenport said perkily.

"I don't like you." I told him plainly.

"What is that?" Tasha asked her husband.

"Whatever it is, don't get too attached." Delta said bluntly, with Leo and me nodding in agreement.

"Leo, Delta, Zadie, I know you're gonna miss Adam, Bree, and Chase; so I laser scanned their features onto these bio-synthetic robots and I programmed them with their core personality traits." He explained as he unveiled three robots that looked exactly like Adam, Bree, and Chase. "Is this great or what? It will be like they never left!"

Leo then walked up to Adam's robot and knocked on his shoulder. Apparently the robot did not like that, so it flicked Leo in the forehead. I couldn't help but smile.

"So what do you think?" Davenport asked.

"Well, I think the perks of having a billionaire dad just wore off." Leo said.

Then Davenport looked to Delta and I for an answer.

"I think I would like to hit you with a chair right now." I answered freely as I saw Delta Tasha laughing silently.

"Donald, I don't know about this, I kind of prefer Leo and Delta to have friends that can't tear them limb from limb. Well, except Zadie." Tasha said.

"I have threatened to do it before."

"What are those?" Bree asked. With this opportunity, I couldn't resist,

"What are those?!!!" I asked, holding my hands out to her boots. "I'm sorry; I couldn't resist."

bionic besties 1 | lab ratsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora