1. The past and the Present

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I looked at it longingly, the happy memories giving me a small smile. Everything was out of my control, there was nothing I could do. Taking it from the shelf I did the same thing I did every day- I stroked it's spine.

I know many people wouldn't understand; people rarely did. But I didn't care what they thought. What mattered was my happiness and that was all I cared about
No, I'm not being materialistic. My happiness is rarely materialistic. It used to be once, but not anymore.

"Amira!" my mom called. She is a beautiful women I say. Well, she was. I set my copy of  The Philosopher's Stone on the shelf to help her out.

" Mia? Amira? Wake up!"

My eyes flew open to see a redhead sitting on the edge of my bed. Her face carried an expression of seriousness and understanding "You were crying in your sleep again," she said with a small smile ."Here," she handed me some pills, "this will help you sleep."

"What time is it?"

"Half past two."

I took the pills from her, "Thanks, go sleep now Donna, I'll be fine. We have work today. It's important you sleep"

"Yeah, I know." She didn't protest, she was too tired to do so, I could see the rings that surrounded her eyes.

After she went to sleep, I put the pills back in the bottle. I didn't want to sleep now. So instead I decided to get ready for the day. 

We were like a small community. Perdona, Aaliyah, Zhen, Cynthia and me.

When I took a shower, my mind couldn't help but wander back to my dream. It happened weeks ago, but it was one of the memories that I will never let go. A lump formed in my throat. I was alone, so I didn't bother hide it, I let the tears flow.

I used to be different back then- when this memory took place. I used to be a normal teenage girl. All full of life and energy. Most of my cheery character faded with time, I didn't grow up to be all serious and mature up, I changed to be all serious and mature.

I used to be a dreamer, I used to be one of those girls that you find with her head buried in a book. My goal? To become a writer. Not because I wanted to be rich with a successful book. But because books gave my life a meaning, and I wanted to do the same for everyone around me.

But now, the stakes are high. No longer are my dreams to become a writer. I gave them up long ago. But I couldn't help but wonder about the if.
What if my life was the same now, what if my parents were still there with me? Would they be proud of me?. But then I realized, they wouldn't. I was still too selfish, still too lazy.

People never realize all that they are blessed with. I was like that once, never satisfied with what I had. But now that I lost everything, I realize how happy I could have been. But instead I chose to whine about how I was being treated unfair.

What would the me before a few months do if she found out she would be out in the woods sleeping in a tent in the woods? That me would never be able to take a shower in a small cold waterfall in the middle of nowhere. Heck! I wouldn't even dream of standing in my underwear, taking a shower outdoors.

I never even liked the outdoors. But like they say "Everything has a first". Now I learned to love the world. Well, just the nature.

I've changed a lot, a whole lot since the 'PULSE'.

The 'PULSE' as they called it, was when the world faced a threat that no one was ready for. No one even imagined that such a thing would happen, if anyone would have told me that the 'PULSE' would happen, I would have laughed it out and told them to meet a good psychiatrist.

Speaking about the 'PULSE' you would think. What the heck is this stupid pulse that this brown girl keeps talking about! Well, let me explain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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