11/22/1963 Ch.3

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Just then,there was two quick raps from the door,and before the pair could answer,the door swung open and LBJ was standing out in the hall,breathing heavily with a frightened expression."Mr. President,we've got trouble!"

John looked at Bobby,and the young general was instantly his old self."Well,Captain Brother,your soldier just told you that you're needed somewhere else.Get going!"

John nodded at his brother."I'm on my way."He then left the room,out of the hospital alongside LBJ.Once outside,the two warriors broke into a full run into the town square.John glanced sideways at the older brown-haired man and began to question him without stopping."So what's happening?"

"We were in the square;Jackie had brought some suspies into the building.Oswald was there,but he wanted no attention to himself."

"Understood.Go on."

"Well,a few people were asking questions,and it eventually didn't break out long to realize what the man probably was fault for."

"So we're going to control the crowd?"

"That's right.Jackie is trying to calm things down,but she needs us to figure out who's behind this and shut them up,or it'll be impossible to stop this before it gets out of hand."

"Any idea who it is?"

"I'll give you three guesses."

"Damn!I think I will really kill her this time!"

"Whoa there,Fearless Leader!Let's handle this one at a time.First we have to get to him.Then I'll flip you."

"I'd rather flip DarkSky."

By now the pair had gotten to the middle of the White House street,and sure enough there was havoc waiting for them.Most of the crowd was gathered around a raised platform at one end of the square,where Texas' new Governor was trying to hold a blockade agiasnt the crowd of screaming people.Jackie was throwing knifes or anything she had at the air to keep the crowd at bay,while another senator one John didn't recognize was screaming for Oswald's blood.Behind his defenders,Oswald,the mob's main target,was huddled in the middle of the stage.

"Remember,"John called to LBJ as the two split up to stop the quell that was rising from within."Stop them,but don't hurt them!"

"What about DarkSky?"

"If you have to roughen up a little on her do as you please but try to not kill her."

"Okay,let's do this."


With that,the two leaders of the United States of America dove into the writhing mass,looking for the head of the monster.It didn't take long for John to spot her:a young woman wearing a coat that was mottled with pink plastic feathers,blue icy eyes and blonde thick hair.DarkSky had made perfectly sure to center herself in the middle of the crowd,where she could keep up with watching the blood and gore.John quickly scanned the situation and tucked out a knife from his pocket.There's the bastard.Should I call LBJ?No I'll just handle this on my own.Besides it's just DarkSky no one else.He crept forward,avoiding the random fists in his direction.A bullet whistled across his head forcing him to duck."God,"he breathed,"this is getting serious."However his quarry turned to look in his direction,a satisfied smirk on her face.Upon seeing John,her expression turned to shock and she turned to run,trying to hide out in the crowd again.

"Oh,no you don't!"John leaped forward,tackling DarkSky to the ground.

"Why,Mr. Presidnet,"DarkSky said,still smirking,"fancy meeting you here."

"Shut it,you piece of trash!You're dead meat now!"

"You said that last time,and the time before if I remember the fight."

If Kennedy Lived: An Alternate HistoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora