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Hayden's pov-

4 months later

I hummed a tune while I took out my bass from its case. Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper writing down the tune that was floating inside my head.

"Hey. You alright?" A voice asked, low key scarring me. I looked up to see Brandon.

"Yeah I'm fine. You need anything?" I asked.

"No...just seeing if you're doing okay." He turned to walk out but I stopped him.

"Hey man" I called out.

"Yeah?" He asked turning back around. I wanted to ask him all kinds of things. He and I been very distant these past few months. Since everything happened.

I paused "...nothin." I said waving him off.

"Okay. Um. I actually need to tell you something. I know that there is some tension in this house because of what happened a few months ago. I just want you to know that I forgive you - not that that matters. But, it just sucks what you did man. I actually liked her a lot." He told me.

"Thank you and I know." I replied sadly. He walked out the room and I sighed loudly. Caity and I didn't even last after the tour. And I lost Sam. I guess this was karma getting back at me, I knew I had done wrong. Not a day goes by that Samantha crosses my mind. I missed her with everything in me.

I shook my head from the thought and continued to strum notes on my bass. The tune sounded more sad than anything. I stayed writing until it hit around 1 am.


I shifted in my bed, slowly opening my eyes. Everyday waking up, I'm missing that warmth I got from her. Rolling out of my bed and getting up to wash up.

Once I was done, walking to the kitchen to pour myself some OJ.

"Hayden I'm gonna go to the store to buy some things. Need anything?" Brandon's voice chirped out.

"Nah I don't think so. Why don't I go and get the stuff" I suggested.

"I can d-"

"For real, I wanna go. I need to get out anyways. Please, I'll do it." I interrupted.

"Okay.. here's the list. And of course whatever you need too. Oh and please don't forget Bandits food, he's running low." He said handing me the list and some money. I nodded, getting up from the table going to my room to toss on a shirt and shoes.

"Alright I'll be back" I told him grabbing my keys and heading to the elevator.

- @ the store -

I grabbed a kart, glancing at the list I went down aisles to get the things. I went to the frozen section to get vegetables and meat. As I turned back to my kart I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" She said softly.

"Oh no, I'm sorry." I replied, shifting my head to the woman. I seen her face. I'm shook, it's her. I've missed those dark brown eyes of hers. Her hair up in one of those messy bun, she pulled it off well. "S-Samantha..." I stuttered out.

Her eyes went wide. "Hayden.." her voice sounded so calm to me, I never knew that I missed it so much.

Without myself even knowing it I cupped her cheek.


Ayyyyye my ppl how are you? It's been a minute since we last talked. I'm fine.

The next chapter will be in sams pov then the following one while be where this one left off (if that makes any sense) plus srry that this was short, the next chapter will be updated right after this one.

Thank you all for the reads, votes, comments it means a lot. Byyye love y'all 💞

The Best Thing. ▪ Hayden Tree/Crown The Empire FF - completed.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt