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This is a draft I made as an imaginative response. It's about an employee in McDonald's with a dream of becoming a famous scientist. An exciting opportunity lands her to New York, where things take a rough turn and she learns of the dark motive behind the company she just started working with. Drafted 4/04/16

Beneath Amelia's plain, stiff coat was a flesh of flustered emotions and bones twisted in excitement. The only accessory she brought with her was a brave, convincing smile. Every footstep on the secret building's ivory white marble floor made her heart pound like a lion trapped in her ribcage. This was the moment she was waiting for her entire life ­­the moment where every breath felt worth preserving because everything was about to change. Her vision blurred as people walked in and about, wearing white laboratory coats and making unintelligible conversations. Her delicate hands smoothed over her dirty blonde hair then fixed her name tag. Giving a quick look, the tag inscripted the words 'Toole, Amelia' with an italicised 'trainee' underneath it. The label wasn't worth over­thinking about; her position as a 'trainee' could change over a couple of months if she put enough hard work.

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