Waking up

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Sorry guys that it took me so long. First I thought it was bad and second so much university work. But thank to @pumpkinpie473 and erikkaaaa, you inspire me to continue even if it took me long!




I opened my eyes and I see a room I didn't remember being, I remember what happened and start to panic-What if they capture me?- I started hearing voices and I got up and walked where the voices where coming - Well this is the end sorry Tony, Pepper, Harry, Bill, Froge & Gred, Albus, Avengers...- I get to the living room and to my comfort and not comfort, I saw the guys my Avengers with the bitch and Furry. They were preoccupied and "eating" so I make the move " Evening guys" They all jumped and Tony being Tony ran across the room and pick me up " Don't you ever do that to me Kahlan Alexandria, you hear me? never!" he said to me holding my shoulders and looking me at my eyes with his glassy eyes and a serious lost puppy look " Ok" he let me go and i was lost in a big hug from Thor, Steve, Bruce, Pepper, Clint and even Furry and I get a nod from Natasha surprising enough. Clint was still by my side with one arm wrapped around my shoulder - weird- Furry asked me " Dr. Malfoy, what do you remember from the attack?" I knew whom attack me but I could tell them the only one who knows are Tony and Pepper " I don't know sir , i just remember getting to my office and picking up some file, then nothing, I'm sorry" Tony and Pepper look at me and i knew i have to tell them and that's remind me i have to talk to Paddy, Moony and Albus. " Its okay Dr. You will be staying with Mr. Stark while you get better and we know you are in no danger" WHAT!'" No Thank you.." " That's isn't for discussion its a order, bye" as Furry was leaving I could see the guys and Tony smug happy grinning face " You know I hate all of you " " You love us " Said Thor " Well we should go to sleep, see you around Lexi" Said Steve while they were all leaving except for Tony, Pepper and Clint - Why is he still holding me and here?!- "Lex?' said Clint " yeah?" " im glad you okay, the guys and me where really scared" awww and I wander why i cant hate him " Thanks Clint" " Well see you and sleep well" " Thanks again" he give me one last hug and then leave.

I got a shower I knew that the moment I walk out I would be ambush by those two hyena's. I put one of  Tony Shirts and boxers and walked out Pepper even have ready my favorite tea " here is your Chai tea sweetie" " Thanks, Pepper your lovely like always" " So?" I knew Tony was going right to the point so I didn't bother to joke and anything " After I finish I need to use your fireplace" "ok" " Tony they found me , wanted me to join them and you know what is the worse thing they involving my brother already" I started crying " Hey you will be fine, im here okay" " I know Tony but you cant get through them " " We try our best" Said Pepper " I would not forgive my self if something happened to both of you " " Yeah and we came back to the death to hunt you until you do" I have to laugh to that " There is that lovely witchy laugh, Good night Lex" " Night Guys"  

I walked to the fireplace and i talked with Albus whom also give me the worst new ever , this was getting worse and worse and i was becoming more depressed. That bitch of Bellatrix killed Sirius! Why? Merlin WHY?

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