Everlasting Love

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Don't laugh at this. I saw this idea on tumblr and I want to experiment with it. I hope you enjoy!!
Daniel's POV
As soon as I saw them I ran. The boys who torment me everyday were after me again. I couldn't face them so I just ran. Ran and ran until my legs burned and I collapsed into someone's lawn. I sat up and looked down the street to see that they had followed me. No. This can't be happening! I look up at the house who's lawn I'm in and I'm taken aback. The house is an ugly brown with broken windows and sagging roof. It seems no one has lived here for years but there's always a chance... I swallow my fear and hurry up the the front door and knock frantically. To my surprise the door opens slowly as I hear the boys shout, "hey nerd where you going?"
I quickly run into the house and I spot a flight of stairs which I quickly hurry up. I find a door open at the end of the hallway which I duck into as I hear the door slam open and many foot steps pounding around looking for me. I quietly close the door and run to the other side of the room. As I look around I see that I am in what looks like a girls room. It doesn't look as old as the rest of the house. I huddle in the corner praying they will give up. I hear foot steps outside the door and my heart stops. But the steps seem quieter than the boys. I watch as the door opens and a girl walks through. She shuts the door behind her and stares at me. She looks about my age and is vey pretty. Her hair seems to float around her shoulders and the dress she is wearing seems lighter than air.
"Who are you and why are you here?" She asks sternly.
"I-I'm sorry! My name is Daniel. Those boys were chasing me and in here to hid. I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind."
She looks me over and nods.
"I believe you. You look scared. Let me take care of those boys for you. Stay here and don't come out for any reason. Got it?"
"Yes yes okay! Thank you!"
She quickly leaves and with in a few minutes I hear a blood curdling scream from down stairs. I listen as foot steps stumble around and fade away as the boys leave. I hear quiet footsteps come up the stairs. The girl comes back into the room and sits down on her bed and looks at me.
"Are you alright?" She asks.
"Yes I'm alright. What did you do to them? I heard a scream."
"I just scared them away. How much do they bother you?"
"They bully me almost everyday. I'm afraid to go to school because I know they'll be there."
"They are horrible. They deserve to be punished."
"No no I just wish they would leave me alone." This girl was scaring me a bit. "Hey what is your name?"
"I'm Juliet."
"You have a really pretty name. Do you live here? How old are you?"
She stands up abruptly and backs away. "Please don't ask questions."
"I'm sorry?"
"Don't ask questions. Please." She backed up to the door as I followed after her.
"Oh no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Thank you for saving me from those boys." I reach out to tough her hand as a thank you when my hand passes right through hers. I just stare, shocked as she disappears. What. Just. Happened? I blink rapidly and look all around as the room which was now just as old and decayed at the rest of the house. I quickly run down the stairs and out the front door. I look up at the window to her room and see her face peering down at me. She looked like she was crying.
"Juliet? I'm sorry! I'm so confused."
She backed away from the window and I didn't see her again. It was getting dark out so I trudged home.

The next day was Saturday so I had the whole day to myself. I decided to take my bike out to that house again and see if I can find get again. I pull up and drop my bike in the lawn. As I walk up the the door I notice it's already open so I walk in. The house looks less dirty than the day before. "Juliet?" I call, "are you here?" I see her walk down the stairs and come to a stop a few feet from me.
"Why did you come back?" She looked almost angry.
"I wanted to see you again."
She stopped and stared at me.
"You... Wanted to see me? You remember me?"
"Of course! How could I forget?"
I was really confused at this point. "Can you please explain what's going on? I know you said no questions but..."
"Sit down. I'll get us a snack and I'll explain as much as I can."

Juliet's POV

"I remember having a family. A mother, father, and a little sister I think. I love this house and I always liked to explore it. So one day I was running around the house when I came to a doorway leading to the attic. I walked up and explored the attic a bit. There is a window that leads to the roof and I tried to open it to get some fresh air. It was stuck so I pushed and pushed. Eventually I rammed against it and it opened, but I accidentally fell out. The next thing I remember is being in the ground. It was dark and I didn't know where I was. I somehow got out and found I was in a cemetery. I walked back to my house to see my family packing up everything into a big van and moving away. I ran to my mom to give her a hug but I walked right through her. That's when I realized..."
My voice cracked at I remember knowing... Knowing that I was dead. "I just fell to the ground and cried. They couldn't see me and I couldn't stop them from leaving. I heard my mom wailing as they drove away. It killed me. I just watched helpless as they got farther and farther away."
Daniel looked shocked. He just stared at me. I'm afraid he will run away.
"So... are you a ghost?" He asked.
"Yes I am."
He just sat in silence looking at me. "Well ghost or not I still like you. I don't know how this will work but can we be friends?"
I cried harder today than I did when I died. I was so alone for so long and now I found a friend.
"Yes. Please be my friend."

No one's POV

Three years past and everyday Daniel visited Juliet at her house. He was still bullied often by the boys but Juliet made it all better. Their strange friendship bloomed into more and they started to have feeling for each other. They both knew it was impossible though as Juliet was dead. But that didn't stop Daniel from loving her. He tried to show her his affection but could not touch her. He would reach for her hand, only passing through cold air. Juliet soon grew worried for Daniel. She wanted him to be happy and find someone who could love him in real life but he wouldn't move on from her. Then one day it all changed.

Daniels POV

"Hey punk! You wing get away this time!" Stop chasing me stop chasing me please! I ran down the street I knew oh so well and fled into the house where I had spent so much time."Juliet?!" I frantically called out. But there was no answer. I ran upstairs to her room but it was old and decayed, but bright and new like it was when she was around. I heard the door crash open and footsteps thunder up the stairs. I ran to a door I had never seen before and opened it. It led to a small staircase which i climbed quickly, forgetting to shut the door behind me. I found myself in the attic and I hurried over to the window hoping I could escape. I flicked the latch on the window and pushed but it was stuck. I pushed harder as I heard the boys climbing the stairs to find me. I pushed the window open and clambered out into the roof. Soon after the boys followed me out.
"Well Well we finally caught you. You really love his old house! It's haunted you know?"
"It's not haunted! I shouted. The girl who lives here is really sweet and I love her."
"What are you talking about? No one lives here. Are you in love with your imaginary friend?" They laughed as my first ball up.
"No! She's real!"
"Year right loser. Let's show him real." The main boy shoved my shoulders and I stumbled back.
"Hey be careful!"
Another push sends me flailing away from the group of boys. The biggest one come after me once more and pushes me hard. I stumble backward and step in a loose shingle. I feel myself fall backward and I watch and the boys grow smaller as I fall away. I spot juliets face in the window and she is screaming. Everything goes black.

Daniel!! A muffled voice calls out. It goes quiet again. I feel a hand on my chest and a head leaning against mine. I hear crying. "Wake up Daniel! What's going on?"
I blink my eyes open and see Juliet leaning over me, sobbing.
"What happened?"
"Daniel!!" She cried out. "Those boys pushed you off the roof! I thought you were gone!" She hugged me fiercely when a thought dawned on me.
"Juliet? How is it that you can touch me?"
She looks down at her hands which are now clasped around mine. She brings them up to her face and stares at them. "How? How can it... You are dead."
"What?! I asked startled, sitting up quickly.
"You have to be dead. That's why I can touch you. I look around and see an Ambulance pulling away with my parents car following after. I watch, feeling nothing. "I'm dead..."
"I'm so sorry Daniel! I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know you came in so I couldn't stop those Boys! I'm so sorry!!" She sobs. I put my arms around her and pull her close.
"It's alright. I hated my life. Now I can spend forever with the one I love." And I meant it. As much as Juliet was the sun, those boys really made me hate myself. She looked up at me and smiled.
" you'll always have a place here. But I hope you are happy here. As far as I know, you can't leave."
"It's alright. I want to spend forever here with you." I take Juliet's hand and pull her up to stand beside me. As we stand looking at each other as the sun sets, I pull her close and kiss her softly. Now it was just us.
Aahahhhh I'm so proud of that! I stayed up so late finishing this. Phew! Well I hope you enjoy my little ghost love story. This is my own story based off a tumblr idea about a ghost being friends with a living person. This popped into my mind and I just had to write it. I hope you enjoyed!

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