Chapter 1

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The song has nothing to do with this I'm just recommending it. The song about is called Control by Halsey.


You were finishing up watching Tyler Oakley's recent YouTube video when you see in the recommendations of YouTubers and you see a face that looks familiar. You read the YouTubers name. AmazingPhil. 'Was it who I thought it was'? I thought to myself. 'Was it actually the Phil I went to school with and fell in love with and pretty much broke my heart'? I thought even more. As I thought the last part I clenched my fists.

I pressed on the video and watched it. 'Yep that is the Phil I know and hate'? I thought. But there was still a little bit of me that loved him. I mean look at him. It's hard to hate him but I had the perfect reason that anyone would hate someone for. I slammed my laptop shut and put my face into the pillow, sobbing a little bit.

First Day Of Kindergarten

I walked into the classroom. I was so nervous. It was my first day here and I didn't want to have no friends. "Hi! I'm Phil. What's your name?" A boy with big blue eyes asked. I examined him more closely. He had ginger hair, an average height, big blue eyes, and an accent.

"I'm Y/N. But you can call me Mini." I said smiling

"Nice to meet you Mini. I think we're going to be best friends." He said smiling. I blushed. "I think we are too." I said

"Want to sit next to me?" Phil asked. "Sure." I said.

Time Skip

"YAY PLAY TIME!" I said cheerfully and dragged Phil to the swings. "Phil push me!" I said happily. He nodded and started to push me. "I'm going so high." I said and then jumped off the swing. "Oof!" I grunted.

Phil ran over to me. "Are you okay? That was a really cool trick." He said worried. "I'm fine." I said smiling. We parted our own ways and I played with the girls and he went to play with the boys.

Time Skip

It was the end of the day and I had made many friends. Phil was my friend, Lilly, Asia, Kayla, Bethany, and Julia. They are all so nice to me and I hope I stay friends with them forever.

First Day Of 3rd Grade

I walked into my homeroom and saw Phil. I ran up to him and hugged him. He pushed me off. I was starting to like Phil now. But he was just starting to get annoyed. "Mini! You have to stop doing that." He growled. "I'm sorry I didn't think you would act like that." I said. I was going to cry but I shook it off.

"So how was your summer?" I asked him. "It was fine. My family and I went on vacation to Germany. It was really fun there." He said happily. "Oh. I went to Australia and held a Koala. It was really fluffy and cute." I said. "You did?! Lucky! I've always wanted to hold a koala." He said. The teacher came in and class started.

Time Skip

It was time for recess and we all went outside. I wanted to be with Phil but I knew he was going to be with his friends so I went to mine. My friend were always just talking about how cute Matthew, Jacob, and Marco were. "Y/N. Who do you like?" My friend Lisa asked. I didn't want to tell her I like Phil so I just said "I don't like anyone here." "Oh really?" My friend Ally said. "Yeah." I answered back.

"What about Phil?" Ally asked. I froze. "We know you like him. Don't lie to us." She said. "Okay I do but please don't tell him that. He's already being spaced out from me." I begged. "Okay we won't we promise." They all said.

Time Skip

It was the end of the day and Phil and I live really close to each other so we walked home together. I ran over to walk with him but he stepped a little farther away. 'Was he trying to get away from me?' I thought.

"So how was your day?" I asked him. "Why do you need to know?" He spat at me.

"I-I was just asking." I said hurt. "Well you don't need to know everything about me. Stop being so clingy." He said annoyed.

"Excuse me? I only was being polite. I'm not clingy. So bye." I ran home in tears. "Mini wai-" I heard before I slammed the door. 'This is going to be an awful year.' I thought.

End of Flashback

"I HATE YOU PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

{NEW STORY!!! I LIKE THIS ONE A LOT SO FAR! There will be more flashbacks it's just I'm really tired. I actually got the story plot to this by me having a dream about dating Dan when I was a kid. But since I have a Dan fanfic going on right now and I haven't done a Phil one that I should do this. Well I hope you like this story so far and I'll see you in the next chapter. PEACE!} Adri

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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