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Well, let me start off by saying, I'M SO FUCKING MAD I DIDN'T GET TO KILL HIM! No, but in all seriousness I wanted him dead but in order to get to Snake I had to get through Jason and I didn't want to make a decision I might've regretted.

Anyways, from what I heard no one has seen or heard from Snake in three weeks. No one knows if he's dead or alive and no one seems to care cause as soon as Snake disappeared the Crip Gang was handed right over to Jason.

Right now I was laying down on my bed texting Jason. Jason and I are talking but we're not officially together. I don't think he's ready for a serious relationship no matter how much he tells me he is and I'm just scared he's gonna hurt me again.

Kaiyesha was at school and the other three were somewhere in this big ass house cause they didn't have school. They've been bugging me all morning complaining that they're bored so I locked my bedroom door so they can leave me alone. And I don't care where my mother is.

I was just about to reply to Jason when my phone started ringing. "Waddup?" I answered plopping backwards on my bed.

"Yo D, we need you down here," Rasheed said. "One of the recruits was a snitch for Snake."

It's always something. "Aight, I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and went to my closet to get some clothes. After getting dressed I walked out my room to go find the three gremlins which wasn't hard cause I figured they would be in the game room- which they were.

"Yo nigglets, we're going out. Get ready."

"Where we going?" Shaquil asked me.

"Its take your little brothers and sister to work day. Get dressed."


I walked into the trap house with Neveah, Shaquil and Shaheem right behind me. "Damn Diamond, what is this place?" Shaquil asked me as we walked up to the big stairway.

"This is my business." I said proudly.

"What do you do? Run an escort company?" Neveah asked after watching  group of hoes walk into a room upstairs.

"Nope," answered and led them upstairs. "What are the two things dad told us to never be when we get older?" This question was for Shaquil and Shaheem.

"A thug and a stripper." Shaheem answered.

"Which one do you think I am?" I asked them and best not give me the dumb answer.

"A stripper?" Neveah is really starting to test my nerves.

"No, I'm a thug."

"D, stop playin' we know you ain't no thug." Shaquil said looking at me like I just told him he didn't get shot about a month ago.

"Aight then." I shrugged. If they wasn't gonna believe me then there was no point in telling them. The less they know the better.

"Yo Jojo, Pookie." They turned to me and I waved them over.

"Wassup Bling?" Jojo said when they made it over to us.

"This is my little brothers and sister, make em' at home while I go handle some business." 

"Aight B, I gotchu." Jojo said eyeing Neveah with a thirsty ass smirk on his face and she was biting her lip like a little hoe.

When they were about to walk away I pulled Pookie back. "Keep an on the two dehydrated teenagers for me."

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